BM Barbie

He should not ever have to interact with her, let alone be cut off by the likes of her. Ugh.

You can’t legislate against evil but you can legislate so that evil has a hard time getting access to the tools of their said evils.

You can’t legislate evil. You can, however, legislate so people who would do evil don’t have access to military grade weapons and ammunition. Also, we legislate against evil already...they’re called “LAWS” you stupid fucking NRA ass monkeys.

Seriously... at first I thought THAT was the stupidest thing I was going to see on this page. But then, I got to “you can’t legislate against evil”. My brain just checked out, in search of less hostile climes.

Even her choice of words is tone-deaf. “There are those who defend the 2nd Amendment...” Defend it from what, the concept of the importance of human life??

Even with that hard break looming, Kelly still managed to find time to explain the hard break twice and put forth an opposing opinion.

It’s pathetic and enraging that they refuse to even try. Their response is literally always, “we’ve tried nothing whatsoever, but we’re positive that your idea won’t work.” It would be comedic if it wasn’t so tragic that they genuinely believe the answer is MORE guns.

I think whoever cut the deal with Kelly at NBC had a brainfart on election night and thought the colored electoral map was 100% of america, and not the less-than-half of it who voted.

The NRA has evolved from a once useful organization that promoted responsible gun ownership and firearms safety that I used to be a member of into a lobbying group for gun manufacturers.

poor white santa lady - its so much harder when you to try to peddle your faux-fair bullshit to a wider audience - people like this who are all about the pulling on boot strap mindset who can’t actually compete in a situation that requires the most basic competency - this makes me mean happy and i don’t feel badly

“You can’t legislate against evil.”

“You can’t legislate against evil”

“You can’t legislate against evil.”

She should have just said that this is no time to talk about that. Seems to work for Trumpians.

Megyn Kelly flopping like shit is one of the top 5 bright spots of 2017.

You never cut off Tom Brokaw.

Also Santa Claus is white and black people deserve to be brutally killed by police and women who are sexually harassed and assaulted are probably asking for it. Gotta leave it at that. We’ll be right back and our next segment will include a prolonged discussion of high waisted jeans.

I love how she cuts him off, just so she can insist they have to break for commercial, but then she talks for like 15 more seconds before she breaks for commercial.

This is the equivalent of Carrot Top hosting the Oscars and telling Morgan Freeman to get off the stage because we need to clear the stage for the Twilight-inspired musical number.

A man in the audience named Bill asked Tom Brokaw, one of Megyn Kelly’s guests, “We’re constantly bombarded with the news day and night. When does this become harmful to us and our children?”