giselle can eat a bundchen. thank you for your work and i hope you stay sane and safe.
giselle can eat a bundchen. thank you for your work and i hope you stay sane and safe.
In case you missed it, the president gave a speech today at the UN wherein he promised to “totally destroy” North Korea if Kim Jong Un, whom he referred to as “Rocket Man”
See, that’s the danger of 45. He isn’t trying very hard to do anything. He is destroying our democracy and our standing in the world while putting in a two-hour workweek at best. This is effortless and thoughtless for him. That is the source of his pathos.
Trump calls Kim Jong-un “Rocketman” in front of the U.N. General Assembly. Trump thinks it’s a sick burn. Kim most likely views it as Trump trying to make him lose face in front of the entire planet. Toss in the threat to destroy his country.
It’s a term from a business ‘school’ called Six Sigma, sort of. ‘Valley of Despair’ is the period of self-doubt and the most likely time people backslide when they are going thru major changes in their personal life, business model, etc.
He hears the word “despair” a lot, as in what he drives everyone around him to, but his pea brain translates it to “get some guy up here to fix this.”
And yet more evidence that we live in the Upside Down, here’s Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif who now has to persuade the hardliners in Tehran that they shouldn’t start spinning up the centrifuges just months after a general election returned an Iranian government that wants to re-engage with the West:
I can’t comprehend how he was allowed to stand up in front of the UN and say he wants to destroy an entire country. No one has ever done that because it’s insane and basically the evilest thing anyone could think of doing.
Don’t do it my Friend: Wine isn’t the answer. You are going to wake up from this and still remember the horrible shit that went down at the U.N yesterday.....
This is all the problem with Trump’s demeanor. He doesn’t see North Korea’s actions as a diplomatic problem to be solved. Nor is he even CLOSE to having the mental capacity to grasp the nuances and history of this situation in which, as bad as North Korea is, and they are a terrible inhumane regime threatening the…
Corker told NPR his committee is looking at legislation that would prohibit any first-strike use of nuclear weapons without a prior declaration of war by Congress.
NoKo, Venezuela,Iran.
“It is entirely up to us whether we lift the world to new heights, or let it fall into a valley of disrepair.”
I keep wanting to watch videos of Barack Obama to remember what it was like when we had a coherent, mature, well-spoken adult in the White House. But the problem is, it just makes me so incredibly sad that I can’t do it. How is it that just a year ago, we were at least on the road to fixing some horrible shit in this…
Also, this comes from someone currently inside the UN building: it’s rude and disrespectful to go past the 15 minutes each country is allotted to speak for (he went for 43 minutes, FYI). Also, rumour has it that no famous people wanted to show their faces at the UN because of him. Except Giselle Bundchen today, so…
Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.
#NoKo? Really?
I just fucking can’t with these Tweets today. I mean, I normally can’t, but I can’t today either:
People are rightfully dragging him on Twitter. The guy is a complete idiot
“Tricky” is how my preschooler describes snapping up his raincoat.