BM Barbie

From one anxiety-ridden woman to another: I have what a psychiatrist dubbed as “Worst Case Scenario Syndrome” if that paints a clear picture. I also had HUGE reservations on having children for the same reason. I have literally never been as calm and DGAF as when I was pregnant. My child is 15 months now, and


Holy shit.

Ahhh, you beat me to it. Shit, I’m still going to do it.


I’m just did we get here? Trump, I mean. And wasn’t his whole schtick on making America great again and NOT going to war or spending any more money on international conflicts?? I can’t wrap my head around people not realizing that this guy is a complete moron and fraud- HE IS THE EMPEROR WITH NO CLOTHES.

Jury is in and says immediately stop being friends with that horrible person.

Watch the first five minutes of the first episode. That’s all it will take, trust me.


ITA, I think it’s less about the physical pleasure and more about the psychological euphoria he gets in knowing that young women find him sexually desirable.

Not all heroes wear capes ;)

I understand where you’re coming from, but although incredibly grating, I’m sure your friends have no malicious intent. Most moms love to share their birthing stories, whether good or bad, because it is such a hugely significant experience and I think MANY times we don’t consider what other women went through, again

Honey, that’s not being a freak. That’s making your own decisions about parenting and rocking them. You go, Glenn Coco.

Ah, got it. Yes, that was a big thing for a while; scheduling a C-section. The rumors were that they would schedule a C and then the doctors would do their tummy tuck right then and there LOL. That doesn’t sound feasible to me but I’m not a celebrity, nor a doctor! ;)

Your comment is effective and well-written, so I apologize in advance for my comment:

Jesus Christ, this fucking guy. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Damn, why would she consider that lazy?? She literally would have died in childbirth without the option of cesarean. I don’t understand where she was coming from with that answer, but it’s none of my business anyway. As I said, I’m not qualified whatsoever to have made that assumption but it was sort of the only

Welcome, friend.

This is going to sound sarcastic, but I think she is literally bald now. I’m pretty sure I saw that on the internet the other day.

I’m with you, your Chardonnay, and your Swiss cake rolls all the way.