Poopie Undies

No I beat the shit out of them daily.

If the Trump-fueled/Bernie-inspired grassroots movement continues then the Democratic party will be much more progressive when they regain power. It also sucks that Joe fucking Lieberman was the deciding vote on ACA which is why it turned into a giant turd. Replace him with any other democrat and the ACA would’ve had

Single payer is dead and buried until the next time Democrats control all 3 branches.

Ahem. This is all true which is why I don’t understand why people scoff when he uses the word revolution. To get anything productive done, we need to fundamentally change how the government functions. He will be proven correct when history settles it and it’s really infuriating to live through.

You are a simple person if you think Bernie is the reason people dislike Hillary.

The kid was never in real danger. Fuck off now.

His child was never in real danger. It’s a terrible way to discipline but he has since learned it was the wrong thing to do. It’s not as bad as losing your temper and knocking a woman unconscious. I’ve never heard anybody disagree with this. .

The child abuse thing was bad but it is truly ridiculous that it always gets lumped in with Ray Rice and Greg Hardy. What Peterson did is forgivable and I hope he learned his lesson but those other guys are shitty fucks.

I agree to a certain extent but I also know they would have never been there without him. So it’s like, can I get upset?

Or yogurt

Would you prefer a secular and religiously-tolerant leader who kills thousands of civilians, or an “Islamist” that doesn’t?

This is exactly why I feel for Obama and Kerry. It such a lose lose situation. Either you allow this genocide to continue or help a terrorist organization take over Syria who will most likely continue murdering. Pick one.

This is a more complicated situation than Hitler due to the radically religious rebellion most likely taking over after but, yes, I would love to kill Assad. Fuck that guy.

He doesn’t want to be speaker. No Republican wants that job because they would then have to work with the freedom caucus. Paul Ryan tried refusing the job for awhile but nobody else would take it so he had no choice.

I think he gets a little bit of credit (not much) just because I don’t want to put him in the same bucket as Rubio.

It’s incredible to think about. Can you motherfucking imagine the same scenario if you replace Trump with Clinton/Obama. The Democrats are honestly being nice. Republicans would’ve shut the fucking government down already.

It seems like you’re the one “setting half the population against the other half”.  

Exactly, to keep it to a majority vote they can’t increase the deficit which means they would have to hike taxes in other areas. This is why they wanted to repeal Obamacare first (that was the pay for). I’m really fascinated to see what they do because I think they have no options and are looking at major loss #2.

Respect as president was never possible for me. You aren’t allowed to run a campaign and get elected in the way he did and then be respected. In fact, you aren’t allowed to peddle racist conspiracies about Obama and then be respected. In fact, you aren’t allowed to deny housing to people because they’re black and then

I’ll never forgive Larry Lucchino for the way they treated Tito. It’s the reason Epstein left and why they suck most years. We lost the best GM in the game and a top 5 coach and replaced him with Bobby Valentine. Could’ve been a goddamned dynasty!!! AHHHHHH