
Mookie for Syndergaard, Diaz & Dom Smith.

So what do we call it when he starts lobbing cruise missiles into Tehran to try to make people forgot about all of this?

So how long until he invades Iran to try and get people’s minds off of this?

Yeah, he sure showed him, by hitting a long home run in a meaningless game on the same day his team was eliminated from playoff contention by a team that just clinched a berth, in a game his team still lost anyway. Why this site insists on sucking Bryce Harper’s $330M dick is something I’ll never quite understand.

Yes, the ever popular “Let’s go out and get the blue collar vote!” tactic. They are preying on people generally not smart enough to understand the inner workings of something like this and just hear “Four Day Work Week”. In NY, when they raised minimum wage, everyone thought it was great, until now we start seeing

Oh yeah?

Everyone who hasn’t needs to read the SI article on his behavior over the last few years. If this isn’t CTE then I don’t know what is.

As I’ve always said, if the average fan knows an umpire’s name, he’s probably a shitty umpire.

Wow you’re dumb. I was making a point as to how concussions were viewed only a few years ago, even on the high school level, and how barbaric the coaches were.

It’s funny how 20+ years ago, when I was playing high school football, the exact symptoms were referred to as “Getting your bell rung” and treated with smelling salts, walking it off, and getting my ass back into the game.

It’s all fucking hilarious because they’re all giant douchebags.”

Mike has been close to Eli & Coughlin for years. Because of that He’s been a vocal critic of the new leadership for quite awhile now. The feud has been simmering since the summer when Mike refused to do his annual show from training camp because Gettleman wouldn’t agree to an interview, because he was pissy that Mike

I wonder how differently Eli is viewed if Plaxico never shoots himself in the leg. The 2008 team was the best one Eli ever had, and I’m pretty sure the were 11-1 and cruising when that happened. If they added another championship that year, it would have been back to back, and 3/5, and all of the sudden Eli’s being

Ditto for Washington, who picked 2 & 3 in 2000.

Jets? Jets.

Still the star of my favorite “This is Sportscenter” commercial, where he keeps pulling out rings at the metal detector in front of an increasingly annoyed Jim Kelly.

Let this serve as a reminder that The Mets originally signed Tebow to kiss up to his agent, who also represented several of their key players coming up for free agency.

We’re going to get another 4 years of Trump because the Democrats can’t get their heads out of their asses and actually put forth a candidate that people might actually get off their couches to go vote for. Obama has the charisma to get people to the polls. These idiots make me want to suck on a tailpipe.

I remember I did a write up years ago on a wrestling forum about how much better the invasion would have been had McMahon just bought WCW and mothballed it for a year or so until all the  big names were out of their Time Warner contracts. Vinny Mac couldn’t wait to show the world that he won the war though, so it was