blurred lines

Yeah, no more dog heads getting snapped off...(hopefully no more Barry) more downbeat endings...

When the argument at hand is about the definition of bravery...sorry bud, soldiers rule, comedians drool.

Couldn’t hear you over the sound of “South Korean PM thinks Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize for a job well done” 

Well, I’d hate to JUST sign up for the thing and then hammered with all these caveats. It’s already way too much hassle.

Brilliant reply. Shouldn’t you be on Facebook with that great wit of yours?

My award is in the white house right now. The South Korean PM thinks Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize for a job well done. Can you handle that?

Haha, you think you’re better than me.

Just remember deplorables vote.

“Because the falling stature of the US throughout the world, your political climate being a partisan laughing stock, the continued demonisation of immigrants and other non caucasian / non-heterosexual / non-christian parts of society certainly can’t be viewed as positives.”

Trump isn’t demonizing non-heterosexuals,

“You can point to the White House and say look at the insane person we elected. I don’t care if you’re suffering because you’re not white and rich. Is that it?”

You may be surprised to learn this, but most white people, including myself, actually aren’t rich! Shocking, I know. And Trump didn’t invent, innovate, or

I would watch this set, no lie.

For starters, North Korea takes him seriously. That definitely benefits all Americans.

For enders, now we no longer have to put up with SJW bullshit. Whenever they start whining about something utterly stupid, sane Americans can point to the White House and say “we don’t care anymore”.

I offer you this challenge: name

So far, it’s funnier than Dreamland.

Oh, I’m sorry soldiers offend you. Unfortunately, soldiers know better than to conflate Stephen Colbert with “the definition of bravery”.

And what “fucking shit” allowed Trump into office, again?

Haha, I’m a city slicker, chump. Get better material.

She threw it in as a last-minute aside. Only avid Daily Show fans can tell us whether she talked about Flint at any other time, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for them.

The same question you ask could very well be said for her targets. What are THEY supposed to do about Flint’s water?

She’s pointing it out on the national stage for the five seconds it takes to get her some Woke Liberal points and then she’ll never talk about it again. I’d bet decent money on it if I were a gambler.

Well, let’s straighten some things out:

1. I’m not mad at Michelle.

2. If I WERE mad at Michelle, it wouldn’t be for mocking corporate media, which deserves all that it gets and more.

3. I’m mocking you for reading corporate media because you’re bragging about how I’m the first person to submit a take about the Flint

Most of what you wrote was utterly delusional paranoid fantasies devoid of fact (I criticize corporate media all the time).