Pretty cool design on her!
Oh... and "Death by snoo-snoo!"?
Until they patch in flying in Dreanor (first content patch as promised) I'm not buying LoD. That is a fact. I played all expansions for at least 4 months, and I always bought expansions on release day. No flying was an ultimate deal breaker, and I don't agree with their reasoning. Traveling on ground mounts or on…
And here I am, still stuck at work. Goddammit why couldn't I get a holiday today!
There is a difference between advocating for "representation" and shitting on a game that has titties in it and because it has tits, then crying and whining while regurgitating whatever tumblr-core feminist vocabulary word happens to be the flavour of the month. Push for NEW games. You are essentially telling…
The thing I don't really get here, is that she says there are tons of different outlets for people to release games now, so why she calling out big names like Grand Theft Auto and saying women need to fight for inclusion? Include yourself. Go make some fucking games, or inspire other people to make games. All I've…
Oh man, I love Colbert, but hate people that cherry pick data to further a political agenda using my favorite medium as the punching bag.
-I feel a bit queasy and sad.
Favorite Loot System: Biggie Smalls
This first game that has a .GIF maker mode is GOTY forever.
I doubt it. Reaper of Souls has made Diablo 3 much, much better, I'd say that Adventure Mode alone makes D3 more fun than I've ever had while farming in a Diablo game. On top of that Hearthstone's fanbase continues to grow, and Heroes of the Storm is on the horizon.
You're going to be that guy then, huh?
The United States of America is not for black people. We know this, and then we put it out of our minds, and then…
Final Fantasy X gets my vote
I got into the Tekken series around 3, and tag really got me involved with the games. The story was always kind of patchy, but because I came into the series during these two games, Jin Kazama seemed like the "main" character to me, where as Kazuya is a character I vaguely remember from a really bad anime.
I missed…
And depressingly, if your reaction to a bunch of armed men storming your home is to defend yourself a great many people will say you deserved to die.