Ive had my fat 160g for like 4 years and it never sounded like that and still runs great.
Ive had my fat 160g for like 4 years and it never sounded like that and still runs great.
Beside Modding and in some cases ridiculously better graphics and faster game play there is are just a ton of cool games that you cant play on console. Also steam is pretty awesome. They have some great deals and daily specials, I got torchlight 2 yesterday for 6$ for example. I feel you though, it can be pricey if…
The over world music and the music at the title screen(of course the battle and victory theme too) will forever be burned into my memory. It instantly takes me back to when I played this as a kid. It is really cool how 8 bit music is so memorable and takes you right back to that time. When I had a DS I bought the…
A young kid should not have unsupervised access to a loaded weapon, that kind of goes with out saying but clearly someone who has the capacity to put 20 bullets in his own mother and then try to rape her corpse is mentally fucking insane in every sense of the word. I am assuming he would have done the same thing if…
People have shot and killed each other over a game of poker, and I'm sure just about any competitive game that exists. There is probably someone who has killed their opponent during a game of Jenga. Once again the morons are focusing on what game they were playing rather than the fact that a mentally disturbed kid…
My phone has one but that's kinda beside the point which was because someone has a calculator does not mean they will in turn have a Phd.
On the first one on Gamecube I had a few friends who would just take lots of bong hits and play that thing for hours, I never really got the appeal myself. The only thing I thought was cool was you could get classic NES games to put in your house and play but other than that I found it hilarious watching grown men…
Really, that's a nice theory but every ten year old with a cell phone has a calculator and prob everyone at that prom had a phone...I bet they will all turn out to be Doctors..lol
Yea I posted a response comment 20mins ago and it still isn't up. I think I hear the Whaaambulance coming!!! If you do something like this you are setting yourself up to be made fun of and kinda deserve what you get. When I was in high school you would have been made fun of as you should, but now all these PC whiners…
Advance her to what? A 40 yr old virgin
Yup and that is the guy who ultimately should be fired.
Addiction is a mental issue in the first place. You can become physically dependent on opiates but cocaine and especially weed are not addictive physically. Technically you could become mentally addicted to shoving crayons up your ass. I think mental state is more the issue, because I know people who are addicted to…
Your right that does suck but I do have to say whoever gave the final greenlight to release that pile of shit after they completely scammed consumers by putting up fake demos and videos and then pulling a switcheroo and dropping the res and all the lighting effects and overall quality, deserves to lose his job. I am…
So they successfully remove the shrapnel but he still gets mercury poisoning from the Chinese milk.
I grew up in the 80's so unlike kids today my generation hasn't had the internet constantly since they were old enough to use it. I think it is actually literally changing human beings in a very fundamental way and is making a lot of people socially retarded. I enjoy the internet regularly but I am not on it…
Well thats kind of stupid. I thought the mega server would be a good idea making it way easier to play with friends but I guess it has some drawbacks. I really, really, want this game to be good, Im actually building a high end rig next week for some other games but was hoping they could pull this off as well. Maybe…
From what I have read they said no matter what race you are you can explore the whole continent, I hope that is the case. The devs said for example your Breton will be able to wander Skyrim. I think your race just determines your starting point.
I agree if they jumped every time a ridiculous story about violent games was brought up they would just be adding fuel to their ridiculous argument. At the same time I dont think that they should sit back and do nothing, but going to Washington is enough. If people are still so stupid that they believe this shit then…
That would be cool because I am about to build a high end gaming rig next week but I really wanted to get the PS3 version of this because I think it has local couch co op which would be fun, and the main reason I want it.
Wow who would have guessed that the phone would disintegrate when shot with a 50 cal. Amazing!! I know that rifle is capable of going through concrete walls and killing multiple targets on the other side with one shell, but a phone, holy shit.