Blumper Lives

You must not read Great Job, Internet! very often. If you did, you wouldn't be using the fact that one was written to promote the fan video as evidence of it being worth talking about.
I thought the actual David S. Pumpkins sketch was funny, if that's worth anything. My enjoyment of it is partly why I was so bummed by

There's no humor in inserting the character into other things if you don't have them doing the thing that made them funny.

He didn't even make them dance. 90% of the reason why that sketch was funny was the dancing.

I agree, but I feel like this review does a pretty good job of being critical of the show without completely dismissing it. Pete Davidson's strengths are mentioned multiple times throughout, and the main criticism is that he hasn't refined his material enough to give it the punch it needs to really land, which,

Someone explain to me the appeal of The Incredibles. It's fine, but it's easily Pixar's most mediocre "golden age" movie after Cars and A Bug's Life.

I'm glad the show is addressing the complaints about January Jones being too stoic in her performance by making Melissa a borderline sociopath. It's exactly the kind of thing her character needed to stop her from becoming the worst person on the show.
Erica is still in need in something to help flesh her out, though.

I'm almost positive that she'll be playing Coop's latest crush who will inevitably reject him at the end of the season.

This is a definite step down from the last one, though I guess even a variation of the old one wouldn't work since she's no longer Josh's ex.

Wow, two Lisa-focused segments and then a Moe one. That's basically the pattern for an entire late-era Simpsons season condensed into a single, mediocre episode.

It's weird how perfectly the rest of the movie was cast, both in looks and performances, when Michael Cera doesn't even look anything like Scott Pilgrim, let alone act like him.

Haha. These books are working to very quickly tie up the mess of a story that was phase 3. They were way too ambitious with having a mythos back then, and the constant budget and scheduling setbacks, mixed with everything having to take place "in real time" resulted in there being a never ending stream of convoluted

That video seems like it's been retconned. It was like a temporary finale for the extended hiatus the band took.

Fred Armisen has always struck me as the kind of guy who really needs someone else around during the creative process to keep his humor in line. You can always tell what sketches and ideas were created entirely by him because they frequently value obscure and specific kitsch over humor.
That said, when there are others

Wait, you're telling me that Carrie could've been more convincingly done up like a man this whole time?

I find that second-to-last paragraph at the end talking about Lucas marketing the movie as Star Wars for girls odd. While it's definitely a comment worth criticizing, none of the rest of the article talks about how gender is utilized in or around the text of the movie, so it feels completely out of place and tacked on

Phineas and Ferbs' biggest flaw was that almost all of its humor was based on making fun of the structure of the first episode. It became self-referential and meta right out the gate, never really doing enough beyond it to make the poking fun at itself really feel earned.
When you have characters make fun of how they

I hope that's true. Noodle's great and all, but she and Murdoc tend to hog all of the screen time. Russel basically wasn't a character during phase 3.

I would assume so. One of Jamie Hewlett's favorite things is making creepy celebrity collages.

You might want to do some quality checking there, mate. The Gorillaz wiki is in pretty awful shape.

I didn't think they would be able to top the ridiculousness of half-shaved Tandy. But those fake eyebrows… I laugh every time they're on screen. I'm so glad I've stuck with this show.