Blumper Lives

Pretty meh episode, but I'm always happy to see one of the five good Birthday Boys appear in anything. Tim Kalpakis, I love you and hope to see you in more things in the future.

>Prince Bubblegum
C'mon, now.

It'll somehow work out in a way that will screw over Erlich and the rest of Pied Piper yet simultaneously benefit Big Head. Big Head is not allowed to fail. The entire point of his character would be ruined if he ever did.

It's a shame that the female characters on this show are as weak as they are, considering the otherwise excellence of it.
Monica is a stock love interest character that the writers seem to keep ping ponging back and forth on whether or not she should actually be a love interest character, making her serve as little

What about this gives it any reason to be on the AV Club? Because "Work" is a song and the site does music reviews?
I know clickbait isn't anything new on here, but you could put at least a little more effort into making it at least seem like some amount of thought was put into why it was made into an article.
Or is

Melissa is the worst. I hate how she tries to play herself off as being the only one that's thinking of the group's survival when she makes no attempt at altering their current situation of basically denying that civilization has ended. She's perfectly fine bumming around Malibu getting drunk and not being productive,

I was glad to see Monica actually contribute something to the plot significantly for once. It seems like they keep teetering back and forth on whether or not they want her to be Richard's love interest, and in the process it makes her practically irrelevant. Hopefully her intervention was a sign of more to come, since

Hayley Atwell looks weirdly like Bruce McCulloch from the Kids in the Hall in that trailer.

Up until now I was sure the cheetah was a guy and was unsure about the fox-thing. Now I think they both might be androgynous girls.
I don't think this fits as an AV Club feature. It's clearly cut from the same cloth as the dozens of other "slacker furry slice of life" webcomics out there. I don't hate it, but it just

Nah, Bobo's always been a prominent second tier guy since his debut.
Deadly, meanwhile, was completely obscure until the first new movie made him everybody's favorite character. I'm glad they realized the amazing potential such an awesome character design had.

This show fell into the pitfall of listening to the demands of the audience too much. Right as it found its footing towards the end of the first half, they did the whole "soft reboot" thing to appease people who said it was too mean, and it ended up being a toothless bore that people still complained about.
I'm a

I'd like Laurie Bream more if her character wasn't explicitly brought in as a carbon copy replacement for Peter Gregory. That said, I think her actress knocks it out of the park.

Could someone explain to me what it is they like about Carla? I don't hate her, but I find her to be a pretty one dimensional snarky "cool girl" stereotype.
Each of the major female characters on this show (all three of them) are pretty underdone, in my opinion.

Ugh, webcomics are already the worst and now the AV Club is pushing them on me?
I'm fine with having a comics page with a rotating group of artists discussing different topics, but coming back to the "vaguely-sexualized hipster furries snark on pop culture" thing twice in a row? If I wanted that I could just read one

I'm worried it'll end up being a tongue-in-cheek parody of spin-off prequels for that very reason.
I've enjoyed all of their movies, but I feel like their "Boy, isn't this soooo stupid?" thing will wear thin over time.

I don't get the kids on this show. The boy only exists to provide precocious meta-commentary, but the entire show already revolves around meta-commentary so his scenes just sort of slow the momentum of the plot and waste time. The girl is mostly just an accessory to the boy who occasionally spouts slightly less

What was up with the audience of this episode? The sketches were overall perfectly decent and yet the dead silence throughout the show made all of them completely cringeworthy when they shouldn't have been.
Huge step up from Russell Crowe, but the terrible audience really ruined it for me.

That's part of the reason why I liked Dong so much. By the end of 30 Rock I was completely sick of Liz Lemon's rotating set of quirky boyfriends. I was pleasantly surprised when Dong ended up sticking around, since I think it would give the show more of its own voice away from 30 Rock if Kimmy was actually in a

The suspicious lack of Dong in the trailers so far has put me on edge. I found him and Kimmy to be adorable together.

Quick correction: it was actually Vanessa Bayer that had the pretty good line about the hologram spit in the Henry VIII sketch. Cecily Strong was the lady that was into geodes.