
This is true, and it is more delicate than I put it…but I don't want to call them SJWs. People think you're automatically alt right when you drop it, so I dunno. I'll stick to my formation for now.

Great, you've thoroughly hashed out the semantics while telling me what I think. I don't use—and didn't use—"SJW"; I use progressive as that's *what they call themselves*.

Oh, they are funding the conflict? How? By supporting the democratically elected Assad regime while the US funds and arms former ISIS fighters to otherthrow it? You realize that Syrians don't call it a civil war; they call it an act of aggression.

Just because they are used interchangeably doesn't mean there isn't a distinction between classical liberalism and progressives. Would a liberal support this? Or is this the work of progressivism?

Here are progressive students demanding racial segregation and censorship based on race and then closing down campus when a liberal professor objected to RACIAL SEGREGATION.

I'm super duper liberal, but I ain't a progressive. Progressives believe in segregation, censorship and judging everyone based on race, gender and sexuality. Those aren't liberal values.

Uh, no. The neoconservatives came to power with plans already ready to invade the ME. Google Project for a New American Century.

Bullshit. Worse than unilaterally invading the Middle East on obvious lies? Worse than that? Trump is worse than THAT?

Until America doesn't own the world's largest ever military…yeah, no. We will remain in power. You think the world powers go along with us because they like us?

Last sentence or so called Muslim ban racist. I dislike this as an ex-Muslim. It's unnecessarily deflective. It is not racist to reject a religion.

Would it be possible for the AV Club to possibly stop referring to Islam as a race? Not a fucking race. Not. A. Fucking. Race.

I dunno if this is sarcasm, but I don't care. Yeah, I am worried about the left. It appears I'm going to have to fight against segregation whilst being called a racist. Strange times.

The left has steadfastly refused to listen and learn from the election. We've doubled down on everything we did wrong. It's stunning.

Dude, they want him fired. You haven't hurt my feelings. They want him fired for saying we shouldn't judge people on race. Fired. It's a problem. On a ton of campuses. I have nothing against safe spaces. But this is crazy.

I find the response to him saying specifically that people should not be judged on race (he uses the word "phenotype") as him somehow being anti-black as described in this coverage to be…confusing. Frankly, it's self-contradictory. It's absurd.

Yes, yes. I need a safe space because I oppose racism. Nice work.

That is the stated purpose, yes. What actually happened is a professor objected on ethical grounds to *being asked to leave campus based on race*. He is now being branded a racist for NOT wanting people judged on race. There have been protests and demands for his firing, and his presence on campus is now considered a

Ugh. They want to fire a professor who objects to policing speech based on race. The nuance is…what? What nuance can justify racial segregation and censorship?

Fine. You've established that you think it's not a problem. Racial segregation and censorship on campus is no big deal.

I loathe Trump. I'm trying to figure out if I will lose coverage. But I'm also worried and saddened by the left. We've become illiberal. This isn't some minor problem. It has taken over academia. UMass and Illinois U want segregated student housing. I can give you example after example of segregation and censorship.