Clinton is by far the most qualified person running for president.
Clinton is by far the most qualified person running for president.
I love this idea that Trump’s candidacy represents how “sick and tired” people are of the “lying” and “manipulating.” It’s not. It represents exactly how so many liars and manipulators get to Washington. It represents how many people in this country are complete fucking idiots who will lap up any bullshit a candidate…
“If I’m gonna believe, and I don’t have any reason not to believe, that she gave classified information on hundreds if not thousands of emails on a public server”
Patraeus intentionally leaked info in order to get his dick wet. Which somehow has made him a martyr on the right. I will never understand.
Schilling, a Ben Carson donor
You make sense.
I wish he gave all of his takes years earlier. Then I would’ve rooted harder for his cancer
Honesty and playing by the corporate rules might not be working in your favor. Playboy or Rolling Stone might be a better choice. If you were to stoop to ESPN, it would be like punting.
You have a soul.
How the fuck can I not get a job with ESPN.
“She’s done nothing. She’s done absolutely nothing to further the success of the middle class. She jumps on the backs of people who she wants to be dependent on government. She needs these people to be dependent on her.”
Whatever. I work in an office. Wearing a sweater means I don’t have to iron my shirt or wear a coat. And it gets warm.
Oh shit, I bet they’ve never thought to apply basic arithmetic to their advertising practices! You’re a genius!
Ohhh, yeah I can definitely see a lot of invites coming from those games. I play a lot of RPGs...I see now why I’ve never had that problem.
If you live in Chicago I would hold your opinions on hot dogs in higher regard than I would your opinions on Mexican Food. The fact that you think Chipotle makes good burritos makes you a little suspect too.
Chicago Mexican is the best Mexican food in America. No Tex-Mex bullshit. No California pretension. Real Mexican street food. Texas and California can go fuck themselves. However, I do have to disagree with the OP on the Chipotle thing. Chipotle sucks. It's more expensive taco hell. Doesn't hold a candle to the good…
LOL at Chicago being the American haven of Mexican food.
How about:
Along with the person who eats one too late in the evening.
a perfectly good two-buck sandwich