Closet Space for Hitman

As soon as I read the question this is what I thought of. What a badass.

Monopoly is a bad game though.

It’s very clear they’re not doing anything with them so I don’t understand why they feel the need to keep 205 a Live show instead of taping a bunch at Full Sail. Maybe then they could get some actual stories instead of always being the after thought on the main roster and having dead crowds on both Mondays and

Kept waiting to get to the part where they talked about Florida fixing football games.

No comparison to Playstation Vue? Which despite the name, doesn’t require a Playstation at all and has worked better than Sling for me.

Same deal, loved spending time in FoCo.

Your story was awesome until that last line. Go Cowboys!

They’re all just mad that Schilling got fired, so ESPN is liberal.

I think it’s mostly that Show is way older and slower now. Strowman is normally much quicker in his setups.

So ban Notre Dame from playing sports, now there’s even more reason to do this.

Screw everyone involved here. This is all so stupid. Keep digging in to hold on to that 4th place title NHL.

I think for the most part, they’re mad that he was even scheduled to fight Roman. That it could have been anyone else. Undertaker correctly lost, but I think the pain point is that it was Roman.

The pseudonymous Larry Website

I love this game and highly recommend it. If I had a single complaint it would be the combat system, but overall that isn’t the focus of the game.

I love this game and highly recommend it. If I had a single complaint it would be the combat system, but overall

Yeah it’s in your settings. I prefer to keep mine on, but sometimes I’ll switch it up.

Blame Coors.

Act like you’ve been there before guys.

*A billion clapping emojis*

Yeah he was too proud to go play in Canada too. Fuck this guy.

Disc Jam baybay!