
How is this going to work on my orange car?

Gently roll/spin your (unopened) beer around on a bed of ice cubes in a cake pan or casserole dish. The ice chills the container, and the intertial movement keeps bringing the warmer beer in contact with the cold can or bottle. You can bring a room temperature beer down to a decent drinking temperature in just a

Wow. I don't think I've wanted any LEGO set this bad since my first Space LEGO set (Galaxy Explorer) "way" back in 1980.

My view is if you're giving this warning based purely on fact, it's not really gossip and you shouldn't feel bad about it. If you're "warning" someone based on your personal opinion without giving factual examples of what this person did to be deemed untrustworthy, then you might better keep it to yourself.

Frodo looks really, really tired. Just look at those Baggins under his eyes...

Sorry not going to happen here. My kids need to know that I am looking over their shoulder and nothing they do (online or offline) while living under my care is private. There are too many bad things that can happen to kids with little or no warning these days. It is a parent's duty/responsibility to look after

To me, it looks exactly like the type of design that would appeal to the person who is going to be in the market for a highly ruggedized phone.

Great post. I just had to take out my Case pocket knife and tell it how much I love it.

I'm sure those Canadian victims are so glazed over with anger that it's kiln them.

That seems like an enormous amount of effort just to enjoy a crappy cup of instant coffee. Furthermore, if you're trying to sneak something small into prison, I think we all know there's an easier way. Yes, I am talking about binding it to an arrow and shooting it over the wall...directly into the Yard.

I got stopped by TSA in early 2002 because of my Kingston USB stick. They'd never seen one before and I had to explain what it was.

I recently learned that Zen mode never ends...

I fear for our future if anyone actually needs to be told how to do this. Now, on the other hand, if anyone can show me how to get toothpaste back in the tube...

Personally, I would rather make and eat Lembas, the waybread of the elves.

Okay, so all I need to do is eat like 10 dozen eggs before we take down our tree this weekend.

Mom used to put plastic bags over our socks before we put our boots on. Not only did it keep our feet dry, but it also made our boots easier to slide off after a long day of sledding. Also, it didn't ruin our boots.

As a parent, I have to say this is all good advice. One note on keeping a room "off limits", you can get plastic covers for doorknobs that you have to squeeze and turn to open the door. These are cheap, and work pretty well to keep younger kids out of rooms you don't want them going in.

All I want is a pair of the limited edition Run DMC adidas. Size 14.

Go to Lowe's website and type the word "hammer" in their search box.

Great idea, but I don't know many people who still use a wood-handled hammer. Most are either metal or fiberglass, with a rubber grip.