
Reporters cannot ask him multipart questions, it makes it WAY too easy to dodge. I can’t imagine how tempting it is to ask a whole litany of questions in your one turn but the fact that he could sidestep the question about whether his staff had contact with Russia is unacceptable.

And he called BuzzFeed, who released the dossier in full, “a failing pile of garbage” who would “suffer the consequences.”

It is so, so bad when Mike Pence is a better option.

Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ

Short of actual abuse, children shouldn’t be kept from one of their parents. I think Angelina wants to cut Brad out because she’s done with him. It doesn’t work that way. Maybe 6 kids in a total of like 10 years as a couple was unwise.

Someday, after I become ridiculously wealthy and successful, I will throw a fabulous annual holiday party called Fifth Christmas and only children whose parents are divorced will be allowed to come. And we will drink and be merry and bitch about our parents.

Like Adam Levine needed another reason to be beaten.

vegan chicken parmigiana

I call bullshit on Double Creature unless the cat sees dead people too.

Ok so this is not related to this dirt bag in anyway but I had a peak 2016 moment today and I need to tell someone about it.

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

It’s Trump, the most famous “con-artist” in the world. And his biggest con still fooled millions. Sad.

I, for one, am shocked, shocked to find that Trump is a lying con man. Nobody could possibly have known.

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

But what Dr. House  said???

I wish her well, but after a while it kind of reminds me of Demi Lovato’s need to constantly remind us that she stays out of drama.

It kind of makes you wonder how writers are going to make thrilling or shocking shows, now that there is a networked army of nerds working to ferret out any conceivable lead or clue in popular TV. Before you had to outwit the individual viewer, now you have to outwit an informal NSA.