
She lost me at “the haters”. It just seems so childish for an adult to use that term.

So she’s not saying she didn’t sleep with him.

1. Can Ryan Gossling wear a goddamn tie? You’re not me in 1986!

If he did do it accidentally, I am more troubled by the lengths to which his adult parents went to cover it up, including the waste of police resources. The father should answer for that, even if the statute of limitations has run on actually charging him.

He was nine. Consensus is, if he did it, it was an accident. He wouldn’t be in trouble. I didn’t say exposing it would serve no purpose--a press release is sufficient. Exposing it for public entertainment serves no purpose.

Is it okay if I- white, straight, male- play this game, too? Because I like it!

30 Dirty Tricks to Heat Up Your Voting Booth! (Hint: at least two involve ice cubes.)

Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.

Together, we are a 66FFF!

Huh. Measuring that way is an interesting decision to make. Maybe next time I get a bra fitting, I’ll bring a friend.

im less concerned with their size than i am with their cocksmanship - just because you have a nice car doesnt mean you can drive it.

There is literally no reason for anyone to manufacture a BB gun that looks like that.

God damnit.

Just because clowns weren’t trying to kidnap kids this time, doesn’t mean that there aren’t clowns trying to kidnap kids.

And they both were Carly Fiorina....

American Horror Story: The Adventures of Marcia and OJ


Didn’t Jessica Biel also try to blame her fizzled out career on being too beautiful?

I am so excited for the bad reviews though *_*

The second movie looks worse than the first. I’ve never seen two people look like they want to bone each other less.