
Imagine how weird it must feel to have some weird thick substance injected on your lips? I often wonder how it would feel to get breast implants, like, you wake up from the surgery and the anestesia wears off and you have this thing inside your body and you can feel it? Can you? Are you constantly aware that there’s

Actually, Selma Blair already took the coveted role:

I see what you mean. It is pretty shitty, and weak if you ask me, he’s a grown man dating a teenager, a Kardashian for Christ’s sake, acting like a diva. There are plenty of ways to make fun of him without getting racist.

Did anyone look at the TMZ link? There’s a picture of Kylie backstage at the college campus eating wings. Maybe that’s what’s all about? I hope?

I would much rather see a million selfies of North’s annoyed, I-quit-this-bitch face, than her mom’s can’t-breathe-through-my-nose, holding-in-a-fart face.

I HATE THIS! I’ve only been a server for about a year and I sometimes feel like I lack patience and experience when I get angry if costumers do this to me. On a busy Sunday. In the middle of lunch rush. When I just got triple sat. I used to be gratious enough to hardly react, when deep inside I want to slap them,

Even if they HAPPEN to be fitness poster boys, it’s still moronic and condescending as fuck. “I know better, you should aspire to be like me.”.

Sooo disappointed in Blake Lively!

“I don’t make intellectual conversation. I’m very superficial. I’m just a fashion designer. Fashion designers look at fashion magazines, right?”

Will Forte used to be my favorite part of the show until January Jones came along. “Her skin if so unfairly creamy and perfect” is all I think now when I watch it.

His endless quest of boning Melissa is sooo cringe worthy, it makes it kinda difficult to watch, but it’s a pretty good show. Also, it has made me like January Jones a lot, and I used to think she was kind of a bland, bad actress.


Do you have any links to those reviews? I saw the movie and was cringing all the way through it, and while I suspected it was really not a true depiction of a BDSM relationship, I'm not very familiar with the subject.

I feel the same way, even though her being a young rich model, it would make perfect sense, and I am not particularly invested in her, it just seems like she's holding onto the table to grab something from the floor.

It changed my opinion of Ed Sheeran. He's the male Taylor Swift, basically.

I need a little context of that picture of Tom holding Chris' baby.

Really? I covet this style because I only have two choices, going natural with my out-of-control, frizzy as fuck curly hair, or straightening it, which ends up looking kinda flat and boring but manageable. I would love to sport waves like theses but I can never get them right! What are you supposed to use to keep the