Can you repair them?
Can you repair them?
Wasn’t there a blog post where they were all compiled?
As a person who can’t afford the very best the day it comes out, these kinds of channels give me nightmares. I’m sure they can afford all the equipment they need now, but how do these kinds of channels start out initially?
And they say you guys aren’t “real journalists.” Pfft.
I would also like MLB The Show or Gran Turismo.
This. I just got the courage to build my own machine about a year ago. Before I got this machine I’d bought an old Dell that was top of the line about 10 years ago and replaced or upgraded all the parts until I could play Skyrim at a decent frame rate. For a long time prior to that I’d been adding RAM to machines…
I’ve never been there but as a stadium enthusiast this makes me want to cry.
Might as well. It’s not going anywhere. Even if the “don’t finance these anti-consumer practices” people got their message across to everyone who reads that message, that doesn’t account for all the people who just buy and play games without reading these kinds of sites and forums.
I personally think there’s nothing wrong with that even if it comes off as kind of snobbish. There will be a time when the only roles available are TV. And it won’t be thought provoking, water cooler HBO TV either.
A bit off topic, this is how I feel as well. I can hardly watch the NFL as well when I think about the owners and the commissioner and how much money they all make for running into each other, giving each other concussions and they can’t even have like financial security afterward or whatever.
Well, I used to use IE/Edge on my Xbox before they took snap away. Now that background audio is a thing, I do bring up competing music services and NPR to listen to while I’m doing something.
Another option is patience. In a year’s time it will be half price. In 2 or more maybe a fifth. One day you’ll probably be able to buy it with a jar of pennies.
I agree with this. It won’t be a 1:1 exactly because there are people who will buy as little as possible no matter what. But at the same time there are people who impulse buy and if they don’t have to buy it, why bother?
I want to say “all kinds,” but that would be somewhat inaccurate. Mostly sports, racing, shooters, RPGs. There are times when I had music playing, other times I’d play long YouTube videos I don’t have the patience to just stare at and do nothing else at the same time. Like I was saying, it probably won’t be so bad…
I am in the 10%. I’m the kind of person that has 20 tabs open when using Chrome, so being able to browse the web or watch videos and still play the game is going to take getting used to. I’m in the preview build and it is frustrating me already. I guess I’ll get used to it though.
This is what made me buy a Dreamcast and a Saturn. People hate on Konami but honestly I’m not a big fan of Sega right now. Where’s the new Virtua Figher? Virtua Cop? Daytona USA? House of the Dead? Just smh.
I agree with this. They knew what he was going to be like going in. And it’s not like he just bought it out of the store and decided to play it, it is a promotional thing. Honestly this blog post caught my attention because I didn’t know the game had gone gold.
I have yet to purchase it. I just don’t buy games at $60 anymore. But all of this sounds positive. Especially since it just seems to be the butt of jokes for the people I follow on Twitch.
Are those a woman’s hands? Aren’t they inherently smaller?
I know it wasn’t meant to, but that picture in the article made me excited for HDR. Not that I’m running out to buy a new TV (I mostly game on a Playstation 3d Display), but it is obvious that HDR is an improvement in games.