Blue Palmetto

I bought mine about ten months ago. I’m so glad people here aren’t giving you shit about it here making you a casualty in some stupid fanboy war. I didn’t like the high TDP on the R9 280 since I was putting it in a pre-built with only 375 watts and I’m a bit of an Nvidia fanboy (but I don’t argue with people abou it).

Yeah it isn’t about playing the games as much as collecting them. Same thing with stamps, really.

Oh ok. I’d seen clips before so I recognized the actor, but I knew it was a show I hadn’t seen.

What is that show?

I believe it is. I for one am eternally grateful the Civil Rights movement for racial equality started (and made the most progress) before the internet.

Eaxtcly, I hate whoever created “grammar police.” What about the “I wasn’t raised by wolves” police?

I suppose I will get burned out eventually. But relatively speaking I just got started. My first game was Black Ops II. I’m up to Advanced Warfare now. Infinite Warfare might be the first one I buy new.

Is that what that is? I always wonder why some of the better people can’t catch a break.

Reminds me of listening to ransom people in GTA V, which has probably been discussed already.

I remember specifically The PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3 allowed mods, but they had to be “cooked” first (not sure what that entails, not much of a programmer). Most mods worked fine, but a few would end up in an infinite load situation. I imagine the PS4 and Xbox One will fare better.

This sounds reasonable. It went gold and was manufactured, but the way games are nowadays they can still add on to it.

It does? I just got that game a few days ago. Can’t believe I missed that.

I’ve done this as well. I’ve skipped many games because the main character was male. I like to play sports games but I accept it there. But there are a few third person action games where I just didn’t bother. Just Cause comes to mind.

I have this issue a lot. That is why I try never to leave a Bethesda games in the middle of a fight.

A little ironic personally. I just fired up Dark Souls 1 on Xbox 360 last night after a long hiatus. Someone helped me out with the first boss (after tutorial). Went through without dying!

Take that Ferrari.

I try to be a generous person despite my tax bracket, but I can’t see myself uploading something that I paid for.

I was thinking the same thing. Where’s the sportsmanship? It should be instilled when they are young so it can deteriorate once they learn about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.

Wow...they look like adults. I’d feel sorry for them if they weren’t going to make so much money.

From what I understand, that’s where most recording artist money comes from; touring. You can’t steal a concert. I mean, you can sneak in, but that must be like 5% of the people there.