I like to pre-order from GameStop as a layaway of sorts as well. $5 or $10 a month and I’ve bought a game without a huge monthly expense.
I like to pre-order from GameStop as a layaway of sorts as well. $5 or $10 a month and I’ve bought a game without a huge monthly expense.
Cool. If I were homosexual and was with someone I loved, I’d hurry up and get to the altar before someone flips this again.
The first Blu-Ray disc Sony mastered was Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. I remember people having qualms over that as well.
If you purchase a game and play it on your home Xbox, you don’t need to be online.
I've only experienced being gifted an abundance of money one time, during (what I assume is) the height of a hack involving odd bounties. I am at the mercy of the system however: it is the only way to play GTA V with female characters.
To be honest ESPN doesn’t really stand for anything anymore and the “E” was added because there was already a “SPN” in 1979. But don’t get me wrong; this whole thing is awesome.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t work in online. The only difference is you can’t skip to the end in online.
It creeps me out, personally.
As a casual player of fighting games, I’m not so sure you shouldn’t avoid Mortal Kombat altogether. Netherealm’s last few games (Mortal Kombat (2009), Injustice) aren’t button mash friendly in my opinion.
ou sure they aren't KO'd?
You monster.
It genuinely hurts me to hear you say that. That said, role-playing isn't for everybody.
Half-Life definitely had an impact on my life. One day I went to dust off a disc a friend gave to me to play and it made me download Steam. Also, any tips on how to get it to run on an HP laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and Windows Vista?
Wednesday, October 15
Why not? Then you can get Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and it's party time.
I wish someone would make a PS360 game. DVD-ROM on one side, Blu-Ray on the other. That way no matter how you or you friends game, you're covered!
I honestly have tons of respect for the speedrunner, however they complete it (exploiting mistakes in game code is okay in my mind). Since video games are my favorite form of entertainment, I find it compelling how someone can take the time to figure out the nuances of a particular game to the point they can boil down…
I have two: Mina Tang in Alpha Protocol. I had to re-load the save right there. Of all the ways you can end the game, that's one route I won't go down.
Ditto. For common man reference, I'd say play Call of Duty. They have been 60 fps for a while, but I don't see how that is better.
Also to be fair the Wii isn't even capable of FCC mandated High Definition...ironically around the time most people could afford HDTV.