
This article is literally about how multiple different streaming services have fought over the rights to it and it doesn’t have a permanent home due to the broadcast deal. MULTIPLE streaming services really want it and have been willing to make deals to carry it, even for just a month, but no one can lock it down

Funny they’d ban you for that when I gave both Ian *and* Ethan shit for their whiny posts about Biden’s Animal Crossing island and am still standing.

When you write political articles you should probably also present your solution, as opposed to merely criticizing the side you mostly agree with but are disappointed or failed by. We don’t have anything but Biden and Harris at this moment, what do you think a wise person should do? Because the thing you’re doing is

your comment offends me. if there were a law against your video game opinion, it would be against it.

I, too, think that whenever a campaign isn’t focusing explicitly and solely on the issues that define me in an aesthetic I approve of they are failing, because I’m a child who hasn’t grown past solipsism.

Thank you. It seems like Kotaku has been shitting on all the Biden stuff. Like don’t get me wrong they are cliche, cringe-y and blatantly obvious but anyone can understand what they are trying to do

I’d go on and on about Spectrier’s limited Ghost-type coverage, but unlike every Dark- and Normal-type out there, I not gonna beat a dead horse.

I don’t get the bitterness all the young, and for lack of a better term what I’ll call commie kids (if they stop threatening to murder rich people, where rich seems to vary depending on a scale of people making low 6-digit salaries up to billionaires, if they stop that, I’ll stop calling them commies) about everything

*Sigh* You are an informed adult with real, researched concerns. Therefore, this, the Animal Crossing thing, these are not geared towards you. They’re geared to kid, teens, yoots, young adults who have not thought about politics before, or maybe don’t feel like that stuff outreaches to them. The people who can’t yet

confused at the tone of this piece...i mean i get that it falls into the ‘hello youth’ category of campaigning, but it overall seems harmless if not kinda lame. this isnt an attempt to get the kids to think biden is hip or kamala is super cool, just getting kids some info about whats going on. biden isnt my fave

Also quite possible that the Japanese team didn’t know about the allegations in the first place. Either their vetting missed it entirely, or when they did encounter it, the severity of the behavior eluded them (which is not that far from what you’re suggesting.)

It’s a bad deal outside the North American market.

Wow. It’s probably best when calling people whiny babies to not be one yourself. These are what is known as “don’t feed the troll” responses. Or do you expect a kid on the internet to answer policy questions about the military?

This whole thing doesn't make you look as good or noble as you think it does, and this is coming from a hardcore liberal. This ain't it, chief.

I find it pretty funny of this site clamoring about free speech in this situation, but has a system in place with their comment section which promotes an echo chamber by keeping some comments greyed...

Weird how as soon as someone brings up, oh I don’t know, the United States massacring civilians in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War or retreating Kuwaitis in the first Gulf War, it becomes a personal attack.

Bring back the bagels. 

This so hard. What in the actual everloving fuck.

Whoppers? hahahohwow.jpg. I haven’t seen a second overall pick faceplant that hard since the Packers took Mandarich. They’re not subject to the vice tax because self-flagellation isn’t considered a vice.