
If your dog isn’t excited to see you that speaks volumes to me. When I was a kid my dogs would rush and stand in front of but back a bit from the door whenever either of my parents came home. They didn’t bark about someone being outside, they knew who was here. Same with my old roommates’ dog. We’re in an apartment on

It is different. Cable, as an “opt-in” service, has a different set of rules than standard broadcast stations, which are required to allocate a certain amount of time for political advertising as per FCC rules. 

Because body- and image-shaming these guys is OK. Because they’re men!
Now quick - back to praising that Gabourey Sibide sex scene on Empire and overly praising Kate and Toby’s romance on This is Us. 

I’m trying to understand the outrage over Kevin Can Wait. Why are people up in arms over such a bland, formulaic, shitty sitcom? Was Erinn Hayes some sort of revelation in that first season, instead of the sitcom-wife trope that I’m basically 100% sure she was in the show? Can’t we just be thankful that Kevin Can Wait

To add to that...this article is nothing more than a “well, Democrats are just as bad” excuse - and is in effect offering support for the Republicans.

Do you know what happens when people don’t vote for Democrats?

To be honest I can’t tell if this site is just fucking naive or a satire of “alternative Left wing” sites like The Canary.

Seriously. Jesus, I don’t get these articles lately. Are they actively trying to maintain a Republican majority at this point?

If you want to fix the problem, put people in office that have gone on the record as wanting to fix the problem. Pretending like Dems should fight with one hand tied behind their backs is lunacy.

So what’s the actual argument here, because all I’m getting is yet another scattershot attack on Dems for *gasp* taking money from people so they can actually win elections...

You can’t reject Super-PAC money, because (as you mentioned) candidates don’t get it - it gets spent whether they like it or not. They can return donations from rich individuals, provided they do the work first of figuring out who donated it and how much money they have (and what constitutes as “too rich” here).

So what’s the point of this article then? To tell us that some Democrats who said they wouldn’t take corporate donations lied and continue to do so..........What a revelation. Next thing there’ll be an article that reveals a lot of men lie about the number of women they claim to have sex with.

Also its not like campaigns have any power to stop PACs from spending money on ads and GOTV efforts even if they wanted to. The PACs can do that whether the candidate wants them to or not.

Independence USA has also spent $4.4 million on California’s 48th district, where Harley Rouda is trying to unseat batshit Congressman Dana Rohrabacher

Well that clinches it, the Democrats are simply not pure enough to support. Everyone vote 3rd party or stay home on Election Day. That’ll send a strong message to the establishment that they’d better clean up their act and take us seriously, which in turn will lead to nothing but 100% ideological wholesome

I’m surprised more people have never hear do Mac & Cheese hot dogs. Figured it was a common item in stadiums across the country.

Have no fear, fellow progressives. The Democrats have this election under control!

If I recall correctly, didn’t most of these same people also say Hillary was going to run away with the election? 

“He left five runners on base which in two of his plate appearances which included a three-pitch strikeout in the bottom of the ninth with the bases loaded. Grandal did manage to hit a double in the one plate appearance he didn’t strike out in”