Blue Lion

If MIT were a football powerhouse, there would be no end of articles about the success of its analytics department.

I’ve added “microaggression” to the list of words I’d like to see banished from the English language.

Tebow needs to find a time machine, go back to 1992 or so, and start dating Lisa Kudrow, who said that she remained a virgin until her marriage—at the age of 30-plus.

So then is he related to King Cotton?

“Rice King” is a wonderful name for a coach, too.

I hoped that GLC had scored the first point. Alas, no.

He sounds like a cross between the Unabomber and a character in Tobacco Road.

Fun fact: Kool-Aid is the state soft drink of Nebraska, where it was invented.

They abound in Colorado Springs, which is the home of Focus on the Family’s HQ.

Rosselkhoznadzor sounds like Russian for “Yoknapatawpha”.

My wife has a long-standing “no-beets” policy in our kitchen. Also on the verboten list: peas, which she says are “inflicted, not served.”

Flying Monkeys is distributed in parts of Michigan, but I haven’t yet seen Chocolate Manifesto on the shelves of my local supermarket.

Bad pun time. Dropping the bird creates an international crisis: the downfall of Turkey, the overthrow of Greece, and the destruction of China.

First year of college: a 14-hour bus ride to my home in New Jersey. The bus arrived at Port Authority at 4 am Thanksgiving morning. And I had to wait there among the hobos and drunks to catch another bus to get to my hometown.

Part of the resentment toward analytics is that most of the math whizzes never played the game. For years, old-school types like Sparky Anderson refused to take Bill James seriously.

The drumsticks are great because—despite the fact that it’s packed with toothpicks—I like to hold one in my hand and pretend I’m gnawing on a roasted dinosaur.

Manziel turns 23 next month. He has an excellent chance of breaking the NFL career record for most time spent in rehab.

Thanks for the info. We’re thinking of taking a trip to the West next year (we live in Michigan), and the Land of 10,000 Lakes is on the itinerary.

Surly deserves a lot of credit for upping Minnesota’s beer game. Four years ago, the governor signed the “Surly bill,” which allowed breweries to sell pints on-premise. The ability to sell pints greatly increases a new brewery’s chances of survival.

I can’t resist asking this. Does Molly Soda have a sister named Minnie?