Let’s also not forget the Emergency Managers Snyder appointed in Detroit and other Michigan cities. EMs’ powers trump those of elected officials. At one point, a majority of the state’s African Americans lived in cities run by EMs.
Let’s also not forget the Emergency Managers Snyder appointed in Detroit and other Michigan cities. EMs’ powers trump those of elected officials. At one point, a majority of the state’s African Americans lived in cities run by EMs.
Why hasn’t Major Garrett been promoted to colonel?
Or, as I call Schumer, “Senator Putz”.
Second HRC reference to “when my husband was president.”
It gets worse. The next debate is scheduled for December 19, the Saturday evening before Christmas. It might as well be shown on QVC.
The Democratic Party mandarins don’t have much respect for young voters. By and large, they think that a person isn’t a true grown-ass adult unless he or she is married, has children, and owns a home. Not exactly a winning strategy.
The DNC also passed a rule that would penalize a candidate who takes part in a non-”official” debate by disqualifing him or her from future offical debates.
Hillary Clinton wants to send “special operators” to the Middle East. Lily Tomlin, perhaps?
Not nearly enough on the Democratic side. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, who is in the tank for Hillary Clinton, not only kept the number of debates to a minimum but scheduled them so as to attract the smallest possible audience.
Like a motion to adjourn, wine is always in order.
Who hosts debates on the weekend? The Democratic National Committee chair, who’s in the tank for Hillary Clinton and doesn’t want HRC’s challengers to get any publicity.
Last night’s attacks in Paris took the issues of climate change and income inequality off the presidential agenda.
Apparently the pope takes issue with Mark Twain, who once said “Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
You must be at least 2.7 cubits tall to get on the adult rides.
Problem with DUIs is that players have to commit an awful lot of them to win the Fulmer Cup.
Don’t you mean “It makes me nut’s?”
The Republicans ought to change the debate forum to that of “Survivor”: Each week, one candidate gets voted off the stage.
As my wife is fond of saying, “people with more money than brains.”
Where I live, people think the purpose of an apostrophe is to warn the reader than an “s” is coming at the end of the word.
And TED talks should get nuked as well.