Blue Lion

The only thing missing from that photo is the choir from the church in “The Blues Brothers”.

Ninety bucks is actually cheap for room-service Veuve Cliquot and “a chocolate amenity.” Where I live, a bottle of Veuve retails for around $50.

What makes the NFL game-day experience even more bizarre is that you have to go through TSA-level security on your way in. Security will nail you for fanny packs and unapproved seat cushions, but unless you’re staggering and retching drunk, you’re in. And once you’re in, the concession stands are happy to sell you as

Maybe he’ll transfer to a school that runs the pistol offense.

It sounds like Sarkisian has serious problems to grapple with. I hope for his sake and his family’s that he gets better.

Point taken. Also, when the U.S. was founded, most if not all states also limited the vote to those who owned land. States started dropping those restrictions in the 1820s (which helped Andrew Jackson immensely).

Someone (Adlai Stevenson, I think) once said, “Diplomacy is one-third protocol, one-third alcohol, and one-third Geritol.”

An contributor has identified some disturbing parallels between 21st century America and the late Roman Republic, which gave way to civil wars and, later, rule by emperors.

The first step in this insanity was the Supreme Court’s decision in Buckley v. Valeo (1976), which in effect held that money equals speech. The Court became more conservative—and more hostile to campaign finance regulations—in the years that followed.

Just what we need: someone with Trump’s impulse control problems carrying a weapon.

The Lions should have become the first franchise in pro sports history to retire a letter: “M”.

We’ve made beer runs to Toledo to get beers that weren’t distributed in Michigan. Some whiskeys, too; certain brands are cheaper in Ohio than in Michigan, which has statewide minimum pricing for liquor.

Heard outside Stay Classy, New York: “Well, that bar tab escalated quickly.”

Michigander here. Congratulations on your fine taste in beer.

In honor of Millen, the penalty for targeting has been upgraded. Offenders will sit out a game with their college team and play for the Detroit Lions instead.

She thought the poor must suffer as Jesus suffered so it was okay to take lesser care of them.

If you’re Ben Carson, every week is Bad Historical Analogy Week.

Trump doesn’t have a campaign organization, even in the early states, so it will be interesting to see what percentage of his supporters actually show up at the polls.

But voices, moments, presences, personalities that are from thousands of years ago are still available through this psychic energy.

In 2012, he endorsed Michele Bachmann for president.