
Perhaps—I felt it was definitely slanted in a negative way without much nuance, though, because most of the ‘rebuttals’ were left until basically the end and only given a paragraph or two for the most part. The structure of the article was lacking imo and didn’t provide the full picture, which is why I walked away

Perhaps “not a fan” was a little harsh. I don’t dislike him, he’s just not in my top three candidates. I feel like he’d be a decent VP pick, though.

Oh, I agree with you—just because someone isn’t Trump doesn’t mean we can’t critique people. It just feels like the critiques are...quite frankly shitty and coming from people who have an agenda or a bias towards another candidate...half the time nowadays in most media outlets. Jacobin and Bruenig’s takes on Elizabeth

Sure, and I completely agree. Never said that the bad parts shouldn’t be shown fully to the public—I just want a factual, nuanced look at the candidates.

As someone who is a Warren person and not a fan of Pete—I think the problem is less that Jez is doing critiques, and more that many of the critiques are way off base, include wrong facts, etc. I have several serious issues with Kamala because of her time as an A.G., but I’ve seen some of those problems be

I’m not a fan of the guy (although I think this article is too harsh), but several of the local Indiana newspapers came out hard against that Buzzfeed piece and cited various activists, etc. in their rebuttal. It’s worth googling and getting the whole picture.

Performers are used to rapidly changing clothes even at festivals—more likely that her other costumes are the exact same size and they figured they might split open on her, too, so the robe was “safer.”

I know she’s done a fair amount for LGBTQ+ organizations in the past which didn’t make it into the tabs—even in this day and age of social media. It’s a sweet music video for pride month featuring her friends and acquaintances—she’s not posting pics on IG all the time or bringing them out on stage on her concerts,

She’s always come across as fun and rather charming, and I’m kind of glad the tabloids are embracing that instead of giving her so much shit like they used to do back in the day.

I like Kelly, but yikes I would be so angry if my mom told that story in public. Can’t tell if Liza’s shading the latest A Star is Born or not, since she said her mom would have laughed but followed up with she would have been into it after she laughed—kind of felt the same way about a fourth remake—but she sounds

Preach. I’m not saying stan culture isn’t a big problem, but gossip blogs, verified people on twitter, etc. fan the flames and feed into this mess. There is no reason for posts like “fans say this on twitter” or even “random people say this on twitter” in most cases (obvs, exceptions for people exposing police

I sincerely don’t understand why so many of the Corbyn types (not the hardcore socialist types, but the more mainstream ones) keep saying “we want democratic socialism similar to Scandinavia and the best way to achieve this is out of the E.U.”....without realizing a) it’s social democracy and not democratic socialism

My friend (who lives in London) went to go see toilet Trump and was sincerely impressed with it...she was like “y’all gotta make a duplicate and prop it up in D.C.”

While it’s almost certainly BS...and even if it wasn’t BS and about Gaga...she is only in her early 30s so I doubt she would feel that she didn’t have “time”...

Meh, some of Pattinson’s comments were pretty mean-spirited even if they were told in a jokey manner—google the comments he made about Stephanie Meyer. It was roughly something like she was crazy and must have written Twilight from a wet dream (which accurate, but ow). For the record, I like Pattinson and agree with

She came off like a real asshole (and allegedly is one), but the twitter backlash was over the top and people were taking a bit too much glee in tearing her down.

Yeah, Heigel was worse than Wu or Shelly Long. That said, this is definitely gendered. Robert Pattinson trashed Twilight for years and I think he even called the author deranged at one point, and people thought it was “funny”—it was trash, and he and KStew were kids when they signed on and probably didn’t realize how

Randall has taken significantly smaller roles, tho.

I’ve been angry about Dorne for a long time, but I about lost it when they started to romanticize Rhaegar leaving his wife, a WOC, for the equivalent of a barely legal (in Westeros) white girl. Not only that, they give lily white Jon the same name of his half-brother, who is dead in part because of Jon’s mother and

Also, weren’t they basically kids when they started it? He’s in his early 30s, and KStew is in her late 20s, and the films started at least ten years ago. I think the other kid was even younger.