
I was actually surprised that CAL FIRE tries to make it simple for people with a record to apply and for them to get hired—lots of places “preach” rehabilitation and jobs, but they are the only arm of the fire service that actually seems to be making an effort. LAFD and SFFD do not and make it impossible, and yet are

Fair enough, for sure. I think Waleed Shadid (surprisingly enough) posted the full video, and not just the edited clip, in his replies after people asked him to post it in full. Judd Legum might have done so, too.

This. I’m against criminalizing truancy, but folks (and journalists who know better) are acting like these situations are just because someone’s kid was late to school 20 times and not a situation where the student is missing 1/2 of the academic school year and CPS has already been involved.  Education is a basic

I am absolutely, strongly against criminalizing truancy, but I feel like I’m crazy for being shocked that people aren’t acknowledging that these parents are being offered social services and STILL not resolving the issue AND their kids are missing more than 50-60% of the school year. Education is a basic right, and

While criminalizing parents is absolutely not the answer, I do think there’s a stark difference between “I work multiple jobs, my kids are often late” and this situation where the kid missed 100 days out of a 180 days of a school year and nothing happened even after the parent was offered social services, etc. And

I mean, Kamala has some very bad sections on her record in addition to the good (I’m in California, I’m aware). But I’ve yet to see Jez go after Sanders truly atrocious, ratfucking gun control record, while Gillibrand, Warren, Beto, and Harris have all been under the microscope over the past few months. Nor his

On a serious note, would you be against the firefighting crews if they were paid $15 an hour and the pipeline from prison firefighting to firefighting jobs was more open to people with criminal records?

Honestly, Kamala should have been advocating for fair pay, or at least minimum wage, for the firefighters, instead of the bullshit money prisoners get paid. That’s a legit criticism.

The clip isn’t as bad when it’s played in full. That’s the issue with Kamala—she’s done and said some truly shitty things along with a fair amount of good. But in this day and age, with social media and so on and NYT times style coverage of Clinton’s emails, it’s easy to take 30 second clips, or tell half the story,

Most of the new writers are pretty pro-Bernie. 90% sure Clio used to write for the New Republic, and wrote some shit about how the “bernie bros” didn’t really exist—the name is unusual enough that I suspect it is the same journalist. I voted for Bernie in the primary, but soon got sick of him and his stans....and it

She’s not running. She was pretty clear she was not running, but it got spun as “she’s still considering it” months ago, and I doubt anything’s changed.

It does look patriarchal, but Gaga tends to be a very effusive performer (from what I’ve seen of her performances) with everyone—both men and women. Pretty sure she did almost the same type of thing with Christina Aguilera ages ago, like was at her knees at one point—but Christina played back on the same level (which

Sorry, I thought you understood what a hyperlink was like 95% of the fucking internet—because that is what it is—a fucking link to Mnuchin within another link. And why not, sure, my Black ass just is sitting here complacent not caring about the details or politics or whatever and only true blue, “hard” American

I said hyperlink, not link. Click the word Mnuchin, and it goes through to the Intercept article. Perhaps I should have said Mnuchin hyperlink. just kind of proved my point (although there are a lot more articles about her by both outlets and one of those is an opinion peace). Even the negative local stories are giving more context than the national outlets. I find parts of her record problematic, although obviously you find it far worse. That’s

Yeah, i agree with you that she needs to be examined over the Kevin Cooper case (bothers me far more than anything else on her record) and that she has some serious issues on her record.

Obama saved the auto industry, Paris Accord, the civil rights division in the DOJ investigated police departments, cut taxes for the bottom income bracket and raised it for the top, Dodd-Frank, CFPB, cracked down on for-profit colleges, reformed student loans dramatically, passed into law the largest green energy

Like I really, really don’t want to admit this......

Like you, I suspect it’s going to be someone beige as hell at the end tho when the top candidates finish tearing each other apart. Maybe Hickenlooper or Bullock; someone who isn’t even really in the conversation now. And I say this as someone who likes Warren, Harris, and Gillibrand and would be fine with Brown or