
I sometimes suspect Bernie folks are pretending to be POC—most of them are aware he has a race problem.  And they can’t explain that Clinton, who was flawed herself, still managed to win over way more Black voters than him and even Biden of all people polls better with Black folks—so they trot out one of a few polls

But I think she has a point in that there was a “blacklash” in the progressive sphere and not just the Republicans. I believe it was The Nation, a supposedly leftist magazine, that ran a garbage racist piece that was all about how one can not “trust” establishment Dems—and the sole focus of the article was Black

See, I disagree with you on some points (particularly the ACA) but I can at least respect and understand your viewpoint. You have a more leftist critique of Obama (some of which I do agree with), but you can also acknowledge that he did some good.

TBF, Bernie has rarely gone off on Obama. It’s a small, mostly white, very vocal group of journalists who write for big outlets (WaPo, Intercept, etc.) who make hyperbolic statements about Obama and often other Black Democrats. I despise Jonathan Chait, but he made a good argument that it’s a subsection and not

It requires raising taxes on the middle class, not just the rich and corporations and slashing the military budget. The increase will be minimal, but it will have to occur, and the Republicans will exploit it to the maximum.

Carter’s administration also supported Suharto and his genocidal campaign in Timor-Leste, which was arguably even worse than most American administrations support of Saudi Arabia—because Suharto needed us, while the Saudis have the $$$$ and plenty of other allies to turn to for intelligence, weapons, etc.

I disagreed with intervention in Libya, but that was a multi-pronged intervention that went through the “legal” channels—and frankly Sarkozy (who for years was after Qaddafi) and later Hollande were the driving force on the “Western” side (something French media often points out). So when I see people hold Obama

I agree with your original post and Brwnskngurl, but I believe it may be possible that it is a hint at something else that’s way worse: sex/stat rape tape with an underage Russian hooker. Kind of like when people start off trying to get people to admit to the small shit they did wrong before busting them with the big

Wouldn’t be a bad idea, but as long as the fucked up electoral college remains we need people who can bring in the Midwest, the Southeast, and Florida. So I believe Gillum would be the best VP pick for several candidates rather than Booker. 

It’s really amazing how many people have retweeted shit that implies or outright states that Obama was responsible for TARP—and when you call them out, they pivot and refuse to admit they fucked up and go “well, he was too soft on banks.” Sure, I agree that he was too soft on banks—but TARP isn’t on him and it’s

I’m not fired up on him, tbh. However, I can’t deny that his performance in Texas, even if he lost, was impressive and that he has experience as a congressman and is young/without a ton of baggage. Perhaps saying “strong” was an overstatement, but he deserves to be in consideration.

The problem is people don’t fact check—I’ve seen viral tweets with thousands of retweets and favs with information that is blatantly wrong. Furthermore, most of them know to toss in a little truth with the big lie to sell the propaganda more easily. 

His last name is Guerra—could be a white Latino or from Spain, but considering the area he’s most likely a POC and Mexican. I’ll never understand fellow POC voting for Trump.

She’s such an entitled asshole. I don’t doubt she helped push him further left on some issues, but come on. Hasn’t Tish James been advocating for criminal justice reform for a long ass time? I suspect she pushed Cuomo on this more than Nixon.

Yep, I can acknowledge that Booker has done some good things but he is a bad candidate.  Warren/Harris/Beto/Brown/Klobuchar/Castro should be the field, with maybe Gillum as a VP pick (he may be able to swing FL). 

We’re fucked. The fact that Bernie and Biden haven’t clearly stated they aren’t running is going to be a serious issue—we need folks who aren’t nearly 80 (which disqualifies both of them), semi-fresh faces (knocks out Biden), and to let go of the baggage of 2016 (knocks out Bernie).

She’s not entirely wrong. A lot of misleading mud-slinging is already going on, and it’s going to damage the final candidate. Yes, the ‘08 and ‘16 primaries were also ugly, but perhaps this is the time to stop the misleading mud-slinging considering the stakes and rely on more honest criticism.

Yes, I believe Dave Weigel or Matty Yglesias used to joke about it at times on twitter—that Corey, despite his stance on charter schools, pharma (tbf, it’s a big industry in NJ, and some iffy views on banks, tends to be very progressive on everything else (and arguably more progressive on some issues than progressive

I honestly don’t get how Booker is a corporate neoliberal, but Sanders isn’t also a corporate whore for his stance on guns and the firearms industry (look at his voting records). cute.