it’s possible it’s a set up, as it wouldn’t be the first time campaigns have run fake flyers (apparently this went down way back in the day with the 2000 Republican primary).
it’s possible it’s a set up, as it wouldn’t be the first time campaigns have run fake flyers (apparently this went down way back in the day with the 2000 Republican primary).
In addition to needing more Black political candidates to run for office, Doug Jones, and other campaigns, need more Black people running their shit. I doubt Doug even actually saw this particular flyer in the sea of radio ads, TV ads, billboards, etc. that his team is putting out but now a part of the narrative is…
I’d even argue that Doug Jones very likely didn’t even see that racist flyer before it went out. He very well and is likely racially tone deaf (dude is an old white man in Alabama), but most campaigns have entire teams devoted to putting out flyers, tv ads, etc. and they aren’t going to bother the candidate to look at…
I may be wrong but I thought the point of that film was that their relationship was fucked up and she ended up happy with the hot, more age appropriate guy. A better example would probably be the Emma Stone, all of 25, and 50 something Colin Firth pairing.
Good point.
Woody’s films can be incredibly creepy in regards to romantic relationships but that article about the plot was sourced from an original report by Page Six (the same Page Six that Harvey was clearly feeding info for a while). I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some made up BS meant to distract from Harvey for a few…
My nerdy ass thought it was funny.
A fucking tragedy. I feel especially bad for his twin brother.
He was finishing his dissertation in Houston. It’s not uncommon for grad students who have advanced to candidacy (everything planned for their dissertation has been approved by committees, all program reqs. more or less completed, etc.) to spend their last year or two out of residence in a different location doing…
That was my first thought. I’m sure the people pressing charges are racist as fuck, but I also wonder if the teacher was drunk or something along those lines.
I don’t believe it’s an either or situation. One can wish peace and healing for Gabby who is probably dealing with a lot of misplaced guilt, think she said a fucked up thing and deserved some criticism, and also believe that the level of vitriol was over the top.
She’s a 21 year old who grew up in a hardcore Pentecostal household. I’m not surprised that she had a lot of internalized guilt and misogyny. Lastly, this odd type of victim-blaming behavior isn’t that uncommon from victims.
Philip? As far as I’m aware his rumored mistresses & women he has behaved inappropriately with are all white. Harry on the other hand is rumored to have dated other Black women.
If there are any issues with the impending marriage, I doubt it’s the divorce and more the racism in the Royal family. So many people conveniently like to overlook that Prince Philip is racist as fuck and that there have been small comments dropped by public figures here and there that have indicated that the Queen…
While he’s apparently a horrible asshole, I’ve never heard any rumors about him abusing/harassing women or getting involved with his co-workers...Are there grosser rumors than the ones about him being a serial philanderer who gaslights women about his philandering?
Kimora once casually made a comment back in the day that suggested that he started up with her when she was only 15 years old. Russell also apparently said something about first falling in love with her when seeing her on a runway and she was only 14 when she started walking for Chanel, etc.
I have to admit, I’ve always believed the victim but the fact that she is a birther who is buddy buddy with Hannity and Roger Stone knew about this beforehand gave me pause.
Takei gave a really shifty answer on Howard Stern a week ago. I unfortunately wouldn’t be surprised if more accusations came out.
I mean, I agree, but some of the comments veer a little too close to “you aren’t a perfect victim since you worked with Allen/Polanski/Singer/etc. so fuck off.” Even Indiewire kind of made it more about Page being ashamed of working for Allen than Page’s experience.
The Hunger Games is a weird series because it comes close to addressing systematic racism and then stops short. I wonder if the author, or the editor, chickened out. Then it ended up with some weird, f*cked up quasi plantation description as you noted.