The thing is Bernie did have a similar JFA and just didn’t act on it.
The thing is Bernie did have a similar JFA and just didn’t act on it.
The fact that even some of the BernieBro journalists were calling bullshit on Donna’s misrepresentation of the JFA was telling.
I’d argue that it wasn’t just President Obama that was responsible for the DNC falling apart...there were a lot of factors and some that were in play even before ‘08 (although what you said about the OFA running as a separate arm and having its own resources that diverted attention/money from the DNC is completely…
I kind of hate to bring it up since the racist Trumpkins are using her antisemitic tweets as some kind of attempt to pretend like white privilege doesn’t exist....but antisemitism is awful even if those assholes are wrongly trying to pervert the situation.
Oh yeah, the “reverse” (ugh one day white folks will realize reverse racism is not real) racism charge is obvious bullshit and fucked up. That said, while the concept is good her execution is faulty and something she needs to work on. I hope singling out individual WOC for not moving up front is a rare thing but since…
As I said above, I love the concept but the execution is shit. She’s not forcing people but she does single out some of the Black and Brown women who don’t move to the front. It wasn’t a one time thing at the show I attended either as I read in an interview that she has done this at different shows (singled WOC out…
I’ve been to one of her shows and while I love the concept as an idea.....the execution is often awkward as fuck and she threatened to stop performing and made shooing gestures at a young Black man standing a bit behind me and to my left (I was in the front).
Kelly has always been a racist piece of shit and Mattis, while better, is insane about Iran. I never understood why people starting white-washing them as the grown ups in the room. I understand that relative to Bannon, they are better, but people often acted if they were good people forced to be there.
While normally I find this kind of shit sexist, Hope’s gotta be fucking Trump (and I know there were rumors that she was fucking Lewandowski). She’s a dead ringer for a younger Melania and her rapid, extreme ascent is bizarre, atypical, etc. even for someone from a connected family.
I guess if we are going by life expectancy and literacy, life was “better” but it could have arguably been the same if the Romanovs had continued to reform.
USSR and Romanovs is one of those situations were one can truly say both sides were horrendous. I truly do not understand this tendency for people (and some are legitimate scholars/journalists) to romanticize one or the other side as I’ve seen of late. The former tend to completely overlook Holodomor (arguably…
Um, the Bolsheviks arguably engaged in straight up genocide against certain segments of the Cossacks (and yes, the Cossacks engaged in their own horrendous activities). A bit later was the Holodomor, again often argued as genocide, and the treatment of the Crimean Tatars. One can go on and on......I honestly don’t get…
It’s definitely Harvey. While the rumors about Harvey have always been terrible, Bob is apparently even worse (if that’s possible)...but Harvey’s the one the journalists are going after.
I want him to be destroyed, but I’m also afraid the media will just slut-shame his victims and/or start attacking random actresses who have vaguely been associated with him. The way people talk about “Harvey’s Girls” has always had a strong whiff of misogyny, rather than “look at this dude sexually harassing and…
Cornel West lost me with his “Brother Trump and Brother Bernie” shit and Tavis Smiley laid a lot of shit on Obama that had more to do with the global economic crash of 2008 and economic policies that have been in place since the freaking ‘80s. Smiley had some good points, but a lot of not so great points...Ta-Nehisi…
Yeah, it’s scary and strange to factor in aging parents. Being an adult sucks sometimes.
I had the same problem where I was able to eat anything and everything in my teens and early 20s and then suddenly my metabolism slowed to a crawl. I recommend the blog Damn Delicious (not everything is healthy but there are some solid options) and the Cooking Light Books. Finding new healthy twists on caloric food…
It sounds like a tough decision but I’d move to Vancouver because a) the house deal b) elderly parents c) your kids psychologists are located in the city and d) your husband can spend more time with your kids. Unless you aren’t that close to your parents, when they start having health/age related issues it can be…
Some airlines provide specific medical clearance forms that can be signed by a doctor (I know because she was freaking out because she couldn’t find hers once before a flight...she has a host of medical issues besides the allergy).
While I know this was the prep, I’ve heard the same exact stories about the Air Force Academy being a racist, rapey, far-right Christian hellhole from two friends who attended back in the early ‘00s. The Air Force as a whole is probably the worst branch when it comes to racism and the academy is arguably where the…