She had a baby. In the eyes of many that’s her greatest achievement and she has no need to do anything else.
She had a baby. In the eyes of many that’s her greatest achievement and she has no need to do anything else.
Nope. Oreos rock!. Hydrox can go fuck itself. I can’t get past the ridiculous name and I would never buy a food product with a name like that. There’s a reason why they have hardly been heard of and it’s because they didn’t market themselves well and that damned detergent name.
Lie there passively and let it happen then sue them into oblivion. I hope Beyonce beats me up. She’d be sorry.
Chris Hardwick is a bag of shit with a pulse. You are also a bag of shit with a pulse. Both of you are just more trash men with trash lives. Go cut your throat open and bleed out, please. The world would be better off without you.
Boo-fucking-hoo. Some overrated ass face lady didn’t get overrated ass face award. Noooooo!
Enjoy having guys shit all over you, Cool Girl.
Nope. Ugly is ugly. It’s not fun and you look like a fool.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
All rapists should die in a fire. I hope it was painful for him.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
You’re justifying rape. You’re a shit person. Guess you can’t wait to go bang kids, right?
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He is. This is a good thing. He was a rapist. All rapists should die in a fire.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.
He was still a raping piece of shit. You’re a rape apologist and you should go stick your cock in a blender and turn it on.