Phil Layshio

And again, this is why any level of "self driving" shouldn't be allowed. And can someone explain why the fuck this is allowed to be tested on public roads? We couldn't have decent fucking headlights for decades but driverless testing is A-OK? Maybe I'm just old. Rabble rabble rabble. Get off my lawn. 

Its a big paperweight. It's basically useless. And I want it so bad....

Ive always wanted to build a replica PT boat with a pair of Merlins. Meteors might be a big more affordable though. 

I feel like I need this in my life

Brother I can’t wait to read about this. But a junkyard lift kit and $20 used tires are a recipe for entertainment more than success.

For $4500 you can buy a solid running rubber bumper Spriget all day long. My guess (hope) is that this one was rusted out (those ill fitting chrome rocker covers are there for a reason) so they decided to do... this with it. Unless they left the stock motor upfront it's going to understeer like a sled. Basically

So it's a lesbian bar?

For someone so deeply involved in the Republican Party, you are refreshingly not fucking crazy, Jason. 

I hope this kid is convicted for what he’s done. But by misstating the facts you are hurting your own credibility sir. One of the people he shot (the one who lived) pointed a gun at him. He admitted to it on the stand. He’ll be acquitted on that charge. The other two I don’t know. The weapons possession charge is a

Except that the counterweight is going to be opposed to the payload by 180° so they would either have to slam it into the ground or roll it around another 180 before they could release it which is going to throw the whole thing out of balance and effect the timing of it.

First off he’s trying to “pare” things down, and second he shouldn’t buy anything at all. Anybody who uses tow and fast in the same sentence has no business towing anything at all.

Pretty much what's happened to Portland too. They stopped making "low level" stops as well and it's the wild West out here. Every light is a crapshoot. Tags that have been expired for YEARS. I had a car pass me on the SIDEWALK the other day. This is the same city where when the street racers shut down a major freeway

In Oregon it's 100 feet. 

Ropes break in wind and waves. I always triple up dock lines when sleeping aboard.

What actions? He left. No one got hurt, and some people's parents need to teach them not to play in traffic.

He didn't attempt to run anyone over, he attempted to leave. And they weren't "peaceful protesters" once they impeded him. 

Ok, sure, but what about the bridge operator? What kind of a brain dead fucktard starts a lift without verifying all traffic is clear?

I concur. I’m enthusiastic about all my cars, from my F250 (tow monster) to my MG Midget (bad mood dissolver) to my 98 Camry (gets it done with. No. Drama) they all do what they do very very well. 


Yes it does. Lighten up.