Phil Layshio

first and only brand new car I've ever bought was a 97 Nissan Sentra GXE, purchased for my wife who was 6 months pregnannt at the time and driving a 79 Cougar. So I took the Cougar and traded in my Mustang (I'm a fool/good guy) and bought her the Sentra. It was completely meh... But we painted the wheels of our black


“Cheap gas?"  Where? Gas is the most expensive it has been in years.

Exactly! The "dad exemption" comes into play here. Had a guy grab my daughters butt at a concert last year. He walked away, with assistance from medics. He wanted me charged!!!! Cop laughed at him and said "no dude. Dad exemption." 

Whoa dude. Whos to say his jib is cut?

Ya everybody knows that. Its pretty extensively covered, if you read more than the headline. 

And again, bottom feeders like this can post slurs, but I’m back in the greys? Wtf? 

Embarrassingly I did not know. I guess I just did not think much past bee/wasp. Of course I had to Google that and now I know too much about bees...

It would seem relatively simple to have a menu of different noises to choose from. Personally mine would sound like a Jetsons car.

Do electric cars not come with horns?

We've had this solved for decades. Its called "the horn."

Didn't say they didn't sting, I said they can't sting twice. Bumblebees have barbed stingers and they disembowel themselves when they sting. Wasps have smooth stingers and will sting you over and over even when they're out of venom. Learned that firsthand.

Was gonna say just this. That was no bumblebee, if it was able to sting twice it was some sort of wasp. Bumblebees aren't really aggressive. Also, the rest of this article is pretty much "well, ya..." Camry's just get it done. No drama, no fanfare, no glitz. Everything just works and it does what you ask of it. And

I really didn’t have time to watch that. But i did and now I’m gonna buff the car out this weekend. And I don’t wanna. This is your fault.

One can say something without making allegations, but if you allege, you’ve “said” it. With that said, I allege that we’re all bored as fuck if we’re arguing semantics.

If they levy any fines against this guy, I’ll donate to whatever collection is taken up to pay it. Of course he pulled his son out. Who wouldn’t?

He’s got a pretty good point really. Sorry you can’t handle being wrong.

Great Rain, John Prine

Ah. I miss the Sonics too. We want a baseball team now. Maybe we can work out a Blazers/Mariners trade....

I want to disagree ‘cause i really like it here. But i just cant... I will ask cause of your screen name, are you a Duck?