Phil Layshio

What the actual fuck? Had a truck towed from a restaurant parking lot once. It was a mistake, I was a customer but after taking a cab to the tow yard, I beat my truck there and was still charged for the tow and a days storage. All I all about 500 dollars. Tow companies are a racket .

I bought a geo prism that came from Michigan to oregon. Made it about 6 months before the rockers crumbled. It hung up pulling up the trailer and started to tear in half.

You understand that as a member of the military, you don’t really have any “civil rights” don’t you?

Had a 94 geo prism that I couldn’t jack up cause the jack would punch through. When the transmission failed, I scrapped the car. Will winch g it onto the trailer, the car got high centered on the ramp, and TORE IN HALF where the unit body welded together under the doors.

It looks like the dude from the A team, with the cigar...

40k? Or 4k?

Why hasnt that been flagged?

Bah. In an apartment parking lot, at night, laying in a puddle.

Also graduated in 1993, in oregon and we did cover consent in sex ed. Also had a very thorough block of instruction in rape prevention in army basic training of all places. There was no misunderstanding here. Does anyone really believe that they didn’t know what no means?

Yer fu-neh-tik spelling is annoying as she-hit