
I love it, looks amazing, but nope. I refuse to pay for products simply "copying" to match a demand in the market and over pricing it. Overpricing a product that you designed yourself, spent huge amounts of effort on, is acceptable, but making a product that spends no time designing but rather an instant copy to meet

Home button to wake the phone, Power button to sleep.

I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.

It really isn't as bad as it seems in the pictures. The lime green for phone and messages may stand out, but the rest of the stock icons have a 3-color theme (blue, green, orange) which makes everything somehow consistent.

Same here. I hated the icons at first thinking that there's absolutely no consistency at all. But now that I've updated, there is a strange sense of color matching! The blue/green/orange(yellow) seems to flow across most of the stock icons. The homepage is actually pretty clean looking! I'm happy, Johnny Ive did great.

Buddy, there's no wrong. There are a lot of different requirements to something being "living". Viruses aren't considered living ALSO because they cannot reproduce, and require a host to assist them in doing so. Not that you're wrong, but both answers are part of the reason why. Merriam-Webster's definition: an

Of course it is possible. Which is why there are people still debating about it. There is a reason why current edition Biology textbooks still dedicate a paragraph or two explaining why viruses, despite meeting many of the traits, shouldn't be considered "living". Many biological theories till this day, albeit written

The Earth itself isn't a living organism by definition because it has no DNA. The organisms mentioned in this video constitutes as the "biggest living thing" because the trees are actually a tree, and the fungi is actually one fungus, dude to their supposedly identical DNA.
Being "alive" requires many biological

Hrmm I'd actually like to know how well it runs on iPhone 4. Recently the app updates have been seriously slowing down my iPhone, hopefully iOS7 will fix this.

Jailbreakers. I can't emphasize this enough. Back up your SHSH with TinyUmbrella. Now before you've updated to iOS 7 and may never come back...

Are you an avid sports fan? I love being able to ask Siri when the next game for my sports team is, and since I don't live in the US, Siri automatically converts the game time to my local time. I haven't found any other features that I'm that dependable on though, other than occasional "Siri wake me up in 30minutes."

Actually, I did a search. If anyone is interested in Siri for Mac, try Sinus.
Works pretty well when all you need is Time/Calendar/Reminder/Weather basic functionalities. You can also use it to open up general applications. However, when you start asking more specific questions that Siri is able to answer like "When is

Actually, I did a search. If anyone is interested in Siri for Mac, try Sinus.
Works pretty well when all you need is Time/Calendar/Reminder/Weather basic functionalities. You can also use it to open up general applications. However, when you start asking more specific questions that Siri is able to answer like "When is

Will the Mac ever get Siri?

Being Taiwanese, I always root for our own homegrown company HTC. It is actually the only quality looking Android phone out there (personal opinion). Few things I have against it though. First of all, the Beats Audio on the back. Please tell me that there is a way to remove that ugly branding! Secondly, I've heard

I'm starting to think that's exactly how I feel. I own both an iPad and an iPhone. But the two are way too similar. I'm almost exactly doing the same things on my iPad and my iPhone but just a bigger screen. I've been trying to get a desktop feel with my iPad, but I just can't get it to. I do feel that Android has the

How long did your previous Android last before you changed to HTC One? What phone was it?

Damn. I thought you guys hired her...