the photo taken by adam wells is definitely prettier: [instagr.am]
the photo taken by adam wells is definitely prettier: [instagr.am]
or a ceramic bowl that is normally microwavable.
i think lifehacker recently had an article that asked us, what would make us stop pirating. in the case for movies, this. If i have the time and money to actually go to the movies, I'd want one hell of a show with proper seating. Not some 90˚upright seats with awkward arm bars that i can't even lift up to cuddle with…
i remember having to use these for science labs in middle school. Had to take pictures of my lab setup and have my professor give me the picture on a floppy disk just so i can include a picture or two in my lab report. must have been extremely expensive back then...
a microwave title with an aluminum foil covered picture is never a good idea..
please. if you are EVER going to propose. ALWAYS have a friend thats recording or taking pictures without her knowing on the side. sounds creepy, but its necessary, and you'll be extremely grateful afterwards.
he looks like stewie
that is exactly what i want to say. i swapped out my optical for a 750gb hd, in addition to my original ssd. I'm actually not jealous of the new upcoming mbp because it supposedly won't have the extra od space anymore. however, they did say that there may be retina display...
haha i've actually done the apple trick since middle school. takes a while to practice and get it just right though. you might also want to try cutting the apple skin (at the tip) with your nail first if the apple is too small.
here i was, expecting to read a story as disgusting as worms starting to reproduce inside the ears because the earbuds were transferred from someone else. NEVER, EVER, share earbuds with people other than family.
can you buy apps with these gift cards?
epic plane crash
sounds like the kid that used a nerf gun to pull his tooth out grew up and decided to take skiing for a try now.
i love him. so humble.
or, you can use iphone to record then import onto iPad with the camera connection kit. but tbh, i've never tried, so i don't know if this way is troublesome or not.
i've been using it, and its amazing. they definitely need to implement play/pausing VLC player (maybe quicktime if people still use it). i hope they also come out with swipe to left or right soon for next/previous song.
hrmm, is anyone else having their iPad shipped from PA? mine says its already picked up and shipped out from PA on the 9th. And since I live relatively close, are they just going to let it sit there until the launch date?
hopefully apple buys map quest?