
I have no idea where the ghost is going, but I very much enjoyed the spooky use of “Happy Birthday to You” now that it has been freed from copyright hell.

I like this season a great deal, even though it’s not all working. I agree with the comment in the review that the monologues are feeling a bit gratuitous, Loy’s in particular.

I think the problem with Gaetano is the mechanics of how he fits into the family are too sketchy. They’ve finally hinted that he has support back in Italy which NY respects, but what that means is still vague.

Oraetta is a much more malignant version of Peggy Blumquist from Season 2. Both are kooky women dissatisfied with their place and trying to self actualize in societies that don’t like independent women, but Peggy killed out of distraction or necessity while Oraetta obviously does it to satisfy her sense of superiority.

Bakalova was outstanding and met all of the challenges of the part. I thought she was even better than SBC at figuring out how to play the weird wrinkles of her character — he seems to struggle sometimes shifting gears from a clueless crude guy, but she made all of the extreme changes in her character seem natural.

I thought it was all a fantasy that played out in his mind in the moments before he was hanged off a bridge.

It was a team of authors, including Judge Crater, the Lindbergh Baby, DB Cooper and Jimmy Hoffa.

I thought Borat was really uneven, with the best scenes by far being the father-daughter ones. There was some really dull stuff where Borat was dealing with regular people who were clearly either told to improvise a character and scene or maybe were even reading off of cue cards. But there were also a few wildly

Not surprisingly, the movie was very uneven, but that was one of the funnier little jokes.

The White House will work the same way as a hotel. At noon on inauguration day housekeeping will show up and yank the sheets off the bed and take all of the towels out of the bathroom, his key card will stop working, the kitchen won’t answer calls for room service, and if necessary, they’ll turn off the cable TV and

Like she was home with the baby.

Of course they’ll dump him as soon as a bright shiny new face comes along. The bottom dropped out of the ratings for The Apprentice, and that was with Mark Burnett having complete control over edits and reshoots. People get tired of his schtick.

They’ll dump him in a heartbeat when someone new comes along.

I’ve seen recent clips of him from Fox where he struggles to stay on track even when they try to help shepherd him back to the talking points they were clearly fed up front.

Maybe it got off on the wrong foot with rhe candle question? (Probably not, but maybe?)

The Godfather points out that it’s helpful for a crimelord to have a funeral home director in his pocket.

That part rings somewhat true, but what is harder to swallow is nobody else doing anything until then.

I’ve really liked this season, but this episode was my least favorite. Most of the big scenes didn’t feel particularly well thought through. The race to sweep up Zelmare and Swanee just ends with Loy driving off. The shootings by Gaetano and Calamita seem to happen in a vacuum without drawing any heat on them. Josto’s