I think it’s pretty clear Deafy is going to be completely misled by his prejudice to some kind of tragic end for someone.
I think it’s pretty clear Deafy is going to be completely misled by his prejudice to some kind of tragic end for someone.
Calamita telling the hold up guys he was going to find them no matter what may be a hint that he is going to be killed and still come back for revenge.
All I can think of is Starz is teamed up with Deutsche Bank to bring in money from former Soviet republic oligarchs in some kind of complicated deal to exchange 300 million internationally sanctioned Kangastan Tsenglaats for 30 million legitamate US dollars. This does not make sense in any kind of rational financial…
Jason Kenney and his alt right buddies are so glad you are normalizing them
In my opinion, the overwhelming focus of third party types should be pushing ranked choice elections like they have in Maine. Any state with a public referendum option should have 90% of the energy of people wanting alternatives focused there before candidates.
It’s always a little crazy to me how Dirty Dancing was absolutely pro-feminism, anti-classism, anti-snob, and proudly Jewish, but also such a model for a lot of snobby, classist, anti-feminist, Christian supremacists. I knew pseudo Antonin Scalia types who loved it and wanted to add Dirty Dancing themes to the…
I’m glad to see the reference to the look of this movie. The sets are cheap as hell, but Nicholas Roeg did a great job and the quality of that print is really stunning.
If I had to guess, Milligan is going to be like Tom Reagan in Millers Crossing as the smart guy trying to play the angles between bigger fish without getting squashed.
She reminds me a lot of Peggy Blumquist, although maybe if Peggy had ever gone through the self actualization course she had wanted to take.
I think what may be throwing the reviews off is looking for a level of abstraction and metaphysics that previous seasons had, but don’t seem to be showing up here. There is no Lorne Malvo recreating biblical plagues, no UFOs, and no Wandering Jew.
If a comedian wants to do a routine about the Yankees and the only punchlines they can come up with involve Derek Jeter and A Rod, they should have a filter that tells them to forget it. If a comedian wants to do a political routine and can only come up with this stuff, the same filter should kick in.
Pauline’s sister in law was also a famous wild spirit.
For the record, I want him to live out the rest of his life being chased from one part of the criminal justice system to another.
Godzilla, though, has enough awful to almost bring down Independence Day retrospectively.
I remember it being just a mess, like the mangling of Dylan Thomas, but Paxton delivered the hell out of it, and could have just read the label of a can of Manwich and made it work.
He really lucked out on the cast — I think Godzilla showed he had no idea what he was doing and just grabbed actors at random.
As I sit by my drawer full of a hundred cables with a thousand different plugs, I think the single funniest thing is the way Goldblum is able to click his computer into the alien mainframe with almost zero effort.
I would bet they thought they could get away with the old trick of compiling a list of top names and started shopping the project to other stars as if they already had Taylor Swift and Billy Joel on board.
He’s kind of right about biscuits. The best biscuit is only at the level of a mediocre roll.
So when he says “there’s someone trolling us with an art degree of some kind” is he overstating the quality of the execution and composition?