
What an asshole.
I can't believe I had a crush on him as a kid.

What an asshole.
I can't believe I had a crush on him as a kid.

Nashville is where music gets made. It doesn't seem weird at all to me.
I feel sorry for the kids involved.

Quincy Jones.

I want to go on the record as saying I really liked "Go On" and was disappointed it got cancelled.

My parents do the same thing, calling Asians "Orientals." I cringe every time. And then I say, "The correct term is Asian," and they ignore me.

There should be a rule that registered-Stormfront-users cannot be on the AV Club. Seems obvious.

Agreed. Trolling asshole is trolling asshole.

I'd like to think so, but I doubt it.

My dad is afraid of Facebook because They Will Steal Your Privacy. Also, it's Change. He also refuses to upgrade his stupidphone to a smartphone.

My dad did the opposite. He voted straight Democratic all the way through the '90s. He voted for Carter (he used to love Carter), Mondale, and Dukakis. That's when the warning signs appeared. He voted for Ross Perot. Next thing I know, he's turning into a very right-wing Republican who watches Faux News all the time

Don't do it, Jimmy Fallon! NBC and Leno will screw you over like they did Letterman and Conan!

No, he sold it to take Letterman's spot. The Leno vs. Conan bit was just redux. Leno's an asshat.

I have developed a slightly irrational love of Craig Ferguson, his robot sidekick Geoff Peterson, and his fake horse Secretariat. And he's the best celebrity interviewer out there. (Yes, even better than Colbert!)

There are Christians who do give up all their worldly possessions, clevermembername. They're called monastics (monks and nuns). And there are a lot of Christians involved in social work, and NGOs, and social justice work, precisely because of the teachings of Christ.

One of the classic blunders…like trying to start a land war in Asia?

Yep, Crazy Bernadette is my favorite too. :) But Amy Farrah Fowler pwned the episode.

But it's such a Sheldon response!

It's the whole "Don't speak ill of the dead" thing. It's an old taboo. I don't know why it no longer applies in Britain but still does in the U.S. And yes, "American and allied figures" is accurate, and a pretty broad term. If you're anybody short of, say, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Osama bin Laden levels of

*raises hand*