
Is this just self parody at this point? I mean I gotta believe this commenter is doing performance art here.

I implore you to watch a Golden Girls marathon and bring yourself up to date on the genius that is that show. Bea Arthur was a national treasure. It also might help you with the removal of the giant stick you seem to have up your ass.

No that’s good. I was going to post “I had an abortion and now I’m typing on the same FB page as you and you are tainted by my evil.”

I’ve been having fun trolling their FB page and making snarky comments just to fuck with these idiots.

That’s where mine always goes anyway. Who even uses catalogs anymore? I just wish they’d quit sending me the things in the first place.

This is one of those things that make you think the Blue State/Red State divide will never be bridged because who in the hell could be that upset with Gloria Steinem?

That quote is driving me to an existential crisis. Are we sure we’re not living in a rejected Monty Python sketch? ‘Cause that would explain so, so much, you guys.

Just emailed them. Took 30 seconds. Please let them know how you feel about this - that’s the only thing that gets results.

This is also the End Times. I mean, this is a catalogue clothing company and they can’t donate money to the UN Women’s Fund for Women’s Equality because it causes moral outrage. In 2016.

I heard the same thing growing up in the South, and I am baffled that it became the major theme of that war. One of the major reasons for the Civil War was that the federal government did not enforce the terms of the Fugitive Slave Act on Northern states. Many Southern states took issue with the freedom of

“Trump voters”... “nuance”

There’s a difference between Filibustering confirmation of an actual nominee you are opposed to and refusing to participate in your duty prior to a nominee being set forth. And stop saying “dear”, it’s fucking creepy.

And as we’ve seen over and over in so many woman-centric arenas—sexual assault prevention foremost among them—the impulse to protect is very different from the impulse to ensure equity, and the two things, worked out in practice, are often exactly at odds.


Funny how the agenda of single women consist primarily of policies that benefit society in general rather than just a few...

Second statement is false though.

the pope continued, “unless those walls are around abortion clinics then build them high af and electrify ‘em”

You are SUCH a liar. Plenty of Canadians say “eh” so much that they don’t even realize they are doing it. Also, “sorry.” It makes me smile every time.

I’m in favor of all of New England transferring allegiance to Canada. Win win. They get the smartest part of the country and we get a hotter head of state. Cape Breton is gorgeous though. I’ve been to Louisbourg and it’s fascinating. I’d take it over Williamsburg anyday for historical sites.

I think we’ll have to agree to disagree because there are way too many people over there. I want an island with less people on it so there are less zombies to kill. Also, Nova Scotia is much closer to PEI which has the potatoes.