
I work in a small office. We all use cell phones for our calls. If all 3 of us turn around we can stick our hands out and touch without moving. I can tell you that we do not have any problems when the three of us are on the phone. Perhaps a majority of people need to re-learn phone courteous?

Of course I have. I often strike up conversations with those around me. Perhaps you're the odd one! O.o

So, would you suggest we ban all conversation? If I am in the middle seat speaking to someone at the aisle seat, does that meant that i can't because the person at the window seat doesn't want to listen?

I would disagree with you. There is no need to shout into your phone. In fact, I would argue it would be easier to hear since you can adjust your volume up. Yelling at your phone when you have bad reception is kind of like talking louder at someone that does not speak or understand your language... It's pretty

Perhaps we should also ban talking on a plane since that would be at the approximate same level.

Learn your meme.

I think you're missing the point here... If leaking gas costs them $50 million dollars a year, that costs is going to be passed on to the consumer... thus costing YOU more money. Therefor YOU are paying for it!

It bothers me that the word He shows up twice....

That's horrible... I received a corneal abrasion that turned into a recurrent corneal erosion that would not heal. 2 laser eye surgery's later "this is the best we can do".

I'm surprised that these were not mentioned int his article. The ATH-M50s are the best headphones I have purchased for their price range. (usually around $115) though I got mine for $99 on sale.

I'm no ADA Expert... but... I am not sure that this would be acceptable if we put this into our design... My interpretation of "rounded edges" means that this should not be there on the top.

The original video is the only thing worthwhile in this article ;)

The Space Pilot Pro

I wonder, can they just simply use domain forwarding (since she owns the old domain) so that all net searches that find her old site still go to the new site? Then using the new domain/labeling she'll be free and clear.

it's called "Gorillas". I remember it too!

insert obligatory wife joke <here>.

most fixtures take 2 or 4 bulbs depending on size.

Found a copy of it:

ever think maybe it got so much traffic so fast the owner marked it private at a later date? way to be a douche.