
don't misunderstand me, i'm not on the "Artists don't get paid enough" bandwagon. You are right, it is more than they would otherwise get. I was merely commenting on something i had recently read.

I love my spotify!

I'ts far less than 25 cents a play.

you have a valid point. I'll have to look into it.

Well... thats where the @ symbol comes in. Replace "P@ss" if they want a symbol. Use an "a" if they dont.

all my online bill payments require an email... so i set them all up with unique ones. That way when i get spam to an account i know who gave it out. For example: etc etc etc...

You can, sort the tracks within a playlist by artist, track, or any other field. The problem is when you close and repen, it re-sorts it based on the default (date added).

Pro detective work!

Still had them in PEI Canada in the early to mid 90's when we would vacation up there. Nothing beats a 2am call that's - not for you.... and when the other line doesn't answer... they... call... back.... again...

these video's keep getting dumber and dumber. :-|

Just the tip...

furthermore, how does one measure "bounciness" or "energetic" or "organicness"... seems like a flawed measurement system.

good job finding an 3638x3638 image that takes 1.5 minutes to load... shame a 100x100 pixel icon wouldn't cut it, lol.

I watch him too on occasion, but... the video you replace it with is much better!

The infamous NYC biker chase video ended up being more complicated than it first appeared. Range Rover driver Alexian Lien got surrounded by bikers in Manhattan trying to shut down a highway for stunts. Lien took off, ran over one biker (paralyzing him), then ended up in a madcap chase that ended with him getting

I love my ATH-M50s! My only complaint is the way the ear pads dry out. They can be replaced... but i found this was most helpful... You cut a sock, a nice soft fancy sock, and wrap it around the ear piece.

The purpose of the crane is to add additional elevation over time. You can't as easily add elevator height I don't think.

the website uses personal information like your social security number, and they go through a validation process in which they ask you questions about your credit report and places you might have lived, or former telephone numbers to verify your identity. After that, they bring in your last years tax return

I watched that video and i still haven't found what i'm looking for.

some more than others...