
this started good.

Thats not true.

I'm curious how he heat's and cools it.

in chrome, open the tab incognito mode.

holy shit.

i keep clicking this to play audio. :(

Working copy can be found here:


Came here to post the same thing. Yes, it is.... Same hair cut, same face, same mole on his cheek even. Actually says it in the article too.

Man, too bad we can't submit previously taken ones. Took some down in Disney last time U was down there... This is one of my favorites.


Sure... but... if the plane suddenly starts to crash, i'll take my headphones off and listen to instructions. I'm sure that devices would be in someone's hands either way, so it would be a "metal brick" in either situation.

She does according to the credits in the video.

I always get my dad a really annoying card.

Apparently not.

i was thinking lameware.

I'm not sure how carbon fiber holds up under severe pressure... Some materials handle different pressures different ways. For example concrete handles compression VERY well. however, it cant handle any tension (that's why there is re-bar in concrete - the steel can handle the tension). Carbon-fiber thought - i

steel is very expensive... and even if you could save the structure, the rest would still blow away in a tornado. So you're left with maybe concrete walls? and while there are ways to make it more attractive, the amount of pressure a tornado creates can still rip them apart. Theburners nailed it.