
I can't see myself using one of these, though i'd love too. I work days, and my wife work hours shift every week. sometimes weekend, sometimes night, sometimes day. We generally leave our thermostat set to 68. The upstairs gets hot (damn you pc!) and the downstairs gets cold at night. when we watch TV i just flip

I would think you could take an image into a computer, and somehow formulate which color goes into which bubble using an image of bubble wrap. Some how averaging each "bubbles" pixels. you could probably even automate the process with a computer that injected paint into each bubble...

Nice one. ;p

I'm pretty sure that since the contamination was being done in the store. the contamination would have been done to the exterior of the can, and thus using a straw would *reduce* the chance... while not completely eliminating it.

Nice work Detective!



I'll just leave this here.

this is on the otherside of the room lol!!

Since everyone already commented on this, i wont.

I'm currently thinking about losing weight.

age isn't always proportional to knowledge.

I presume the cookie dough can't rise, and that is the issue here?

Maybe he has bracketing setup. once click multiple shots.


headline was misleading... till i read the article of course.

lowering the street level has its own set problems. I can think of these:

most amazing video all day... There's one in Winston Salem like that too (it's about an hour and a half away from Raleigh). I'm a bit bothered that they did not LOWER the warning sings. It would make sense you lower the warning signs as you come up to it so that it's more obvious. You know, since you hit it... and


Thanks for delivering the funniest thing I've read today. :]