
@Triborough: Don't forget jet engines replacing the piston engine.

1985 Porsche 928.

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That Synthesis concept reminds me of the first spy shots of the third generation Taurus from Motorweek.

A/C is necessary in hot New York summers. Trust me.

My first thought was the Chrysler Cordoba with the rich Corinthian leather but I ended up voted for the Triumph.

Because General Motors is allergic to marketing product and making money.

@downwithdebbie: He could have saved us all the time and money for an election and just crowned himself a prince or something.

I've never voted for Bloomberg and don't plan to start anytime soon.

I think this could the beginning of a Gizmodo contest.

This could be to the next Ka as the Verve was to the current Fiesta.

The hovercar version was sold as a Mercury until '67.

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@Blue387: Even if the show were picked up by a network, one should be concerned about the ongoing sea change with the decline of traditional television viewing among those under 25. The media is facing tremendous change with the decline of newspapers and televisions being replaced by the internet and DVR recording.

Must have: Handling, cup holders

I don't like this at all. I predict this show will have a sixty percent chance of failure.

When I was growing up, the first car I recall was a two tone Rolls Royce Corniche. I also recall I had a green Vokswagen Golf.

Being Americans, we should all volunteer to shoot at the cloud. It's only right.

I drive an '89 Sentra, it's not bad. Very reliable but rides like a donkey cart. If you want a good appliance, I suggest, despite many flaws I have with it, the current generation Sentra. It's not perfect but it will get you from point A to point B.