I don't know about you but I think it needs even more chrome.
I don't know about you but I think it needs even more chrome.
I listened to it. Didn't mention Detroit too much which it should have focused a bit less time on the UAW and more time on the incompetence of the folks in Detroit; Roger Smith, Wagoner, Lutz, etc. I personally would like to hear an episode dedicated to Ford and Chrysler in the future.
James May has strangely influenced my interest in cars.
Steve McQueen never frosted his hair or ate at a TGIMcFridays or ordered a latte.
I think I saw one in midtown Manhattan earlier today!
No, this is parallel parking.
How about a Chevette?
Little Jay Leno would like this car.
Broderick Crawford drove a '55 Buick in Highway Patrol and one man, Gary Goltz, spent his life recreating the Buick.
@vavon205: The NYPD uses Cushman scooters that fit only one officer each.
Build a rotating turret on the roof of the Ford Tempo housing the world's largest and most powerful potato gun.
How much would it have cost to build a RWD platform for a car of this size? Would it have been cost prohibitive?
@shmendo: Toyota Camry Solara!
I grew up watching Letterman and he hasn't been funny in at least ten years. He's just phoning it in most nights. I mean, is he seriously still doing Will It Float after all these years?
I just wanted to say IMCDB is an excellent website.
@LuckyChuck: I hoon Tata Nanos: That was an Oscar worthy performance for Otto.