
Here's the same clip on YouTube as it is not working for me in Chrome:

Can Michigan Central be restored at all? Or is it too far gone?

Why not kill off the STS and update the DTS instead?

My first thought: Nissan Versa?

It would be ironic if they were being driven around in a Rolls Royce or (old) Bentley.

No magazines in rifles.

I get a big "Page Not Found (404)" on this page, possibly linking to the galleries. Anyone else getting this?

@solracer: That website is great.

Ford Crown Vic or anything on Panther platform. Can look like police car and can store multiple bodies in trunk. Heck, you could probably just hack someone to pieces in the back seat.

@pauljones: I hear LaGuardia is also a bad landing for pilots since one of the runways start in the East River and has a highway at the end.

I know that place! I was just there a few days ago! That's the WNYC studio at the Jerome L. Greene Performance Space or "The Green Space".

This is nice and all but we are all dying to know who is the Stig's fat American cousin?

That guy doesn't look like me.

I know who the Stig is. He is Zimbabwe prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai.

It's raining again outside which is great since we really needed more rain in the city.

The TV could suddenly end like the Sopranos end or there could be dozens of men dressed as the Stig.

@Tony Agee: I've read he does have a female partner for the past few years. Perhaps a Top Gear wedding episode?

I have only now just noticed that the sad-mouth bottom grille on the Taurus resembles the sad-mouth grille on the Fiesta.