Blue 2000

ROD and Track?

Hardibird, as others have said, we've been here before. There will be a period of, let's just say, adjustment. Then it will settle down and people will get used to it. I'm not crazy about the new layout yet but I am willing to give it a go and provide feedback to make it better.

GAH!! I admit it... I don't like the bimmerang at all. :(


Boy, everything 80's is cool again. First the Radio Shack ad during the Super Bowl, and the 80's-themed Delta safety video, now NYC has a real Electric Avenue we can rock down to!

> I'm not going to fuck around with you like Valve does with Half-Life 3.

Why not ?

Those guys should have hung on and rode it out as a test of manhood. First one to let go is a pussy.

NASCAR crew could've done that — and changed all 4 tires — in 12 seconds.

We need to get it into Webster's

If you look really closely, you can see that this is just another Honda Accord Coupe ripoff.

The first 6 were definitely good. If you didn't find them funny, see a doctor.

didnt take the snobs very long..