
The ‘why your team sucks 2016' is going to be fucking fantastic.

Seeing as though every free agent is running out of Cleveland like their hair is on fire I wouldn’t be surprised if we kept him around for a while longer. Especially since he is an instant distraction. It will take the heat off of the rest of the terrible shit Haslam and his number crunching buddies do.

It's pretty much the same. I can detect no marked change in any aspect of the game with him or blatt coaching.

He forced a few contracts.

They limit soul farming again?

Fanboys are the worst.

I enjoy baseball and have since there weren't these rules. And from my perspective I don't see time limits swaying anyone's opinion. The ones who have watched will continue to do so.

I still don’t understand how increasing pace of play will keep this sport alive. I understand trying to appeal to younger crowd with a 4 second attention span, but if I don’t like baseball I doubt making it faster will make it appealing to me.

It's even in the elevators man.

Nah. Haslam prefers Texas-grown party boys with substance abuse issues.

Soooooo what’s the point? Other than paying out the nose for a fan that looks like it was taken from the year 2150. Are they better than conventional fans? What could possibly justify the price?

Soooooo what’s the point? Other than paying out the nose for a fan that looks like it was taken from the year 2150.

Watching ESPN was insufferable to begin with. Glad they made it slightly less insufferable by getting rid of the incessant ‘daily fantasy’ commercials.

C-spine bro. You let her lay in the snow.

What’s the atomic number for fucktonium?

I love the update.



Who could’ve seen this coming?

White Castle sliders are very nommy