Space Cowboy

Do you develop a tolerance after a while?

Hope you feel better soon! If it hasn’t been drilled into you already: Watch your caffeine and salt intake and don’t drink alcohol. Take a multi-vitamin daily. :)

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I didn’t think I’d like a Bluegrass-y version of Van the Man’s “Into the Mystic”, but I think this is very well done.

Of course. I don’t know why I didn’t put the link in on my first comment.

Yeah, I had received a couple emails from sellers I’ve bought from. One actually set up his own website in response to it.

I guess you could say he was hoist by his own petard, if by “petard” you mean “giant skateboard” and “hoist” you mean “knocked the fuck out.”

“As soon as it cleared the platform, there was nothing for me to push off of. Very quickly I saw that we were both going down separately.” 


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If you’ve ever watched the British version of The Office with Ricky Gervais, each episode opens with this beautiful song.

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Houses of the holy. Physical graffiti. 1975. A very good album.

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Took a little while for this Todd LP to grow on me, but it sure did.

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Ian Astbury and Billy Duffy - still rockin’ after more than 30 years!

Get up on a Saturday morning, take a leak, go for a run, shower up, cook up some eggs, get my hate on for Jerry Jones. I’m glad Deadspin is looking out for my needs.

Everyone already knows Jerry has a tiny penis and his ass stopped working years ago.